The Secret Spiritual Power of Passwords

The Secret Spiritual Power of Passwords

When you think of a password, what comes to mind? How often you forget them? Sharing them with others so you can watch Netflix or Hulu? Getting hacked and having your passwords – and identity – stolen? Those are all perfectly acceptable answers, but how about the...

How to Make Your Life Better Than You Could Ever Imagine

When you think about your life, what comes to mind? Is it bursting at the seams with love and creativity? Or is it just limping along, looking for a place to rest its weary head? Or maybe it’s somewhere in between. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, my guess is...

What I Do When I Can’t Pray

Have you ever heard the expression “The darkest hour is just before dawn?” How about “A prolonged period of cranky, disgruntled, rabidly-toxic cynism precedes grace.” Have you heard that one? Probably not. It’s true, though. Take it from...

My 5 Step Tango with God: How I Pray

What is prayer? What’s the best way to pray? What’s the most powerful method for developing an instant pipeline to the Universe, the Source of All? There isn’t one. I’m not saying that I don’t believe in prayer. I do. I’m just...

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