Is Competition Bad for a Friendship?

Is Competition Bad for a Friendship?

Dear Meli, I have a friend that I like a lot. Well, most of the time. Here’s the thing: He’s really smart. And really handsome. And really into his spiritual practice. Not in a show-offy way. He’s just really good at everything he does. The only bad...

How Can You Let Go Of Spiritual Competition?

Dear Meli, I have a friend I have coffee with once a month or so. We recently started hanging out because she shares many of my interests – particularly spiritual interests. At first, it was really cool to talk with some who “got it.” But lately I’ve...

How to Win the Spiritual Olympics

“I’m more spiritual than you are.” Has there ever been a more absurd statement in the history of the Universe? Sure, there are stranger things to say. Like, “My donkey is on backwards.” Or “What’s the square root of...

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