Human Family Day

Human Family Day

In times of crisis, there’s an opportunity for perspective to widen. What’s really important? What values do I want to commit to and support? Today I take the opportunity to widen my perspective even in the absence of crisis. I remember that we are one human family on...
Do I Need to Have a Romantic Partner?

Do I Need to Have a Romantic Partner?

Dear Meli, I have lived a wonderful life. My partner and I were together for two decades, and she died a few years ago. Since then, I’ve thought of opening up to another romantic partnership, but I don’t really feel up to it. I like my life as it is. I...
Use the Love Balm

Use the Love Balm

Families are a place of love and connection. They’re also a place of loss and betrayal. My family has been a teacher for me, and I am grateful for the lessons. Sometimes the lessons include setting boundaries. As I learn to set boundaries with love, everyone is...
How Can I Stop Judging My Family for Their Politics?

How Can I Stop Judging My Family for Their Politics?

Dear Meli, It’s been an intense couple of months, what with the election and Covid. But in my family, the intensity has been going on for four years. My family of origin and I have very different political views. We tried to have civil discussions, but we found...
Do You Have to Spend the Holidays with Your Family?

Do You Have to Spend the Holidays with Your Family?

Dear Meli, The holidays are upon us. Yikes! I know everyone loves Christmas – or a lot of people do – but I’m not one of them. My mom died a few years ago, and ever since then my older brother has taken over being the host for Christmas. My brother...

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