Use Your Guide

Use Your Guide

My intuition is my connection with the Divine. My intuition offers me fine-tuned, personalized, highly specific infor­mation. Learning to access my intuition is totally worth it! It may take time to learn how to hear it, but the more I prac­tice, the better I get....
When the Disruption of the Plan IS the Plan

When the Disruption of the Plan IS the Plan

When I was a kid, I knew I was going into theater. I say knew, as opposed to dreamed about, because I was given a vision showing me exactly what was coming. It happened when I was seven years old. I was standing in my parent’s bedroom. Suddenly, in my mind’s eye, I...
How Do You Raise Spiritually Aware Children?

How Do You Raise Spiritually Aware Children?

Photo: Jay on flickr Dear Meli, I am a mom of three kids, ages 7 to 15. I am also a meditator and a spiritual seeker. I have tried to teach my kids about the value of being spiritually aware, with mixed results. My teenage daughters are pretty resistant at this point....

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