Help It’s Groovy

Help It’s Groovy

It’s easy to think of meditation as a solo pursuit. After all, even if I’m surrounded by other meditators, I’m still the one meditating. What’s also true is that I am created and sus­tained by Divine Power, and meditation is a process of connecting with this Power. So...
Send Your Love

Send Your Love

I love helping people I love. But sometimes I can’t help. They may not want my help. They may reject my help when I try to give it. Or I may sense that giving them help directly is not what the situation calls for. In all those cases, I can still help. I can...
Asking Prevents Freaking

Asking Prevents Freaking

I always have the choice to freak out. But once I realize that it’s a choice, and I can choose something else, it’s time to switch it up! When I find myself bunching my knickers into a twist, I can take a moment. I can ask for Help. And then I can know that Help is on...
Get Saved

Get Saved

Sometimes I lose perspective. I get so caught up inside myself and my problems, I can’t see a way out. That’s when other people come in really handy! When I talk to someone else, whether it’s a friend, mentor, or counselor, they can see things I can’t. Their...
Get Sick and Tired

Get Sick and Tired

Some things are easy to learn. Others take a bit longer. In some areas of my life, I have to get sick and tired of being sick and tired before I can ask for Help. That’s okay. The important part is to remember to let Spirit in. It’s never too late. Spirit is always...

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