Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer

There have been many studies proving the power of prayer. Plus it just feels good! Today, I think of others with love. I know that as I do, I am increasing the love and goodness in their lives. I can send love any time of day, during any activity. I do this as often...
Love What You Love

Love What You Love

Everyone has guilty pleasures, myself included. Today I take out the guilty! I love what I love, even if no one else under­stands. The books, TV shows, movies, and other pastimes I enjoy are simply that. Things I enjoy. Today I claim my joy! No one else has to...
Love It’s FREE

Love It’s FREE

There is nothing in my life that won’t be better off if I send it a blast of love. This includes those things I think of as inan­imate objects. Computers, cars, appliances. All of these are made of Divine Substance. As such, they respond well to love from another...
Use Your Ally

Use Your Ally

Love is my ally. There is no better force to align with than Love. As I align with Love, everything in my life is lifted up. New ideas come to me. Relationships are strengthened. I let go of old habits and replace them with better ones. And then there are the...
Fix It With Love

Fix It With Love

When hate is in my face, it can appear to be a mighty force. But it’s not. Hate is nowhere near as strong as Love. The momentum of hate always destroys itself. Love, on the other hand, builds and builds. It can’t be stopped. There is nothing Love can’t fix and no...

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