You Can’t Manifest Something New Without Doing This

You Can’t Manifest Something New Without Doing This

Here’s what a lot of folks think the manifestation process is like: You pick a new thing you want to manifest in your life. You meditate. You say affirmations. You make a vision board. When the new thing comes, it fits neatly into your life. Like the final piece of a...
New Game Plan

New Game Plan

While I am free to manifest desires from a place of striving, it’s not the optimal way. The best way? Align with Source. When I align with Source, I am aligning with a massive, magnificent Manifestor. This Manifestor creates Universes! It’s waaaaay smarter than me...

The ­­3 Styles of Manifestation – Good, Better and Best

What’s the best way to get something done? Visualize it? Or forge ahead and make it happen? Just to be clear, this post is not for people who are only interested in the latter. Yes, you can accomplish a lot by focusing solely on physical reality, but things get...

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