Patience You Got It

Patience You Got It

I am growing new things in my life all the time. Maybe it’s a new project. Maybe it’s a new belief. Maybe it’s a new way of being in the world. Whatever it is, it deserves my utmost patience. In order to grow to their fullest potential, new things need to be allowed...
How Do You Get Unstuck about Money?

How Do You Get Unstuck about Money?

Dear Meli, My life is really good. I have a great partner. I have a job I like. I have a great relationship with my grown kids. I have a wonderful spiritual community. There’s only one part of my life that isn’t totally great. And that’s my...
The 7 Virtues of Blogging

The 7 Virtues of Blogging

We’ve all heard of the Seven Deadly Sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. Talk about a fun way to spend a Saturday night! And then there’s the Seven Virtues, meant to counteract the Seven Deadly Sins: chastity, temperance, charity,...

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