Believe It

Believe It

Hello! We are a group of specially chosen people. We are everybody who has ever encouraged you. Perhaps you knew us in person. Perhaps we never met, but our presence made you feel inspired. Perhaps we have passed over, but are still in your heart. Here we are, to...
I Am Estoy Je Suis

I Am Estoy Je Suis

I am whole. I am blessed. I am loved. What wonderful truths to saturate my awareness! It’s great to say and think such things when I am feeling these truths. It’s also great to say and think such things when I’m feeling out of alignment. After all, they’re already...
World of Help

World of Help

I am always surrounded by helpers, whether I acknowledge it or not. Some of them I can see, and some I cannot. Today I remember to ask for help. I am never going it alone, and when I acknowledge this, I become that much more powerful. Plus, my helpers love to help me!...
Powerful Stuff

Powerful Stuff

There’s only one thing happening here. One power and presence in all of creation. This presence births planets and stars. It makes mountains and oceans. And it also makes me. Wow. That’s incredible! Today I remember what I’m made of. I remember that this presence is...
Find the Good

Find the Good

Positive beliefs take time. But I’ve got time! I can start by noticing my cranky thoughts. I can work on reframing them and finding the good in all things. As I build my Find-The-Good muscles, I start to notice that Good is everywhere. I start to see, really see, that...

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