Use Your Direction Finder

Use Your Direction Finder

There is no better guidance than that which comes from within me. My Higher Power is connected directly to Source. Indeed, it is Source. As I follow Source’s guidance, life gets better and better. Today I practice the art of listening to the still small voice within....
Intuition It’s Trustworthy

Intuition It’s Trustworthy

My intuition never fails me. I may fail it by not trusting it, and I may need to learn how to listen, but my intuition is always there. The more I commit myself to building a rela­tionship with my inner knowing, the stronger it gets. In big decisions and small ones, I...
Rise Above the Critic

Rise Above the Critic

My inner critic has strong opinions and thinks it’s always right. But it’s not. Learning to hear my inner critic is a huge first step. Meditation and mindfulness practice help me with this. Then, aware of my critic’s opinions, I can work with them. If there’s a kernel...
Sing Your Song

Sing Your Song

I have something to say. I have something to share. When I worry that people might judge me 36or make fun of me for what I have to say and share, I close my mouth. I silence my song. In my silence, I forget that others will benefit from what I have to say. Indeed, it...

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