Vision Peas

Vision Peas

I am a creative being. Today I use my creativity, starting with my mind. When I anchor my mind in the atmosphere of peace, it’s amazing what happens. I see peace in myself and all beings. I experience peace and calm everywhere I go. I see harmony in my surroundings,...
Here’s a Little Trick to Keep Your Muse Happy

Here’s a Little Trick to Keep Your Muse Happy

How do you get your inspiration? By reading your favorite books or listening to your favorite music? By spending time in nature? Or does your inspiration come randomly, out of the blue? Or maybe you think you’re the kind of person who doesn’t get inspired,...

Three Little Words That Will Set You Free

How are you doing? It sounds so innocuous, doesn’t it? It’s right up there with What’s new? and What’s happening? All these questions require a reply, preferably one of a short, definitive nature: Fine. It’s going great. Super. Thanks for...

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