Try On Amazing

Try On Amazing

I have lots of different voices in my head. Some are really helpful. Others? Not so much. My fear voice and my low self-esteem voice are closely related. Ultimately, they’re trying to keep me safe, but they do so at the expense of my growth and expansion. I am...
Put Love to Work

Put Love to Work

The inside of my head can be a busy place. Squirrely little voices scamper around, vying for my attention. These voices say crazy things. Things like: You’re not good enough. There’s something wrong with you. Becoming aware of these voices is the first step. The...
Ignore False Evidence

Ignore False Evidence

Fear is a message from my Higher Self. When I’m afraid, I know it is one of two messages: 1) I need to change course and get out of there fast. 2) I am believing a lie. If the ego self tells me a lie but I don’t believe it, I feel nothing. But if I tell myself a lie...

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