You Can’t Manifest Something New Without Doing This

You Can’t Manifest Something New Without Doing This

Here’s what a lot of folks think the manifestation process is like: You pick a new thing you want to manifest in your life. You meditate. You say affirmations. You make a vision board. When the new thing comes, it fits neatly into your life. Like the final piece of a...
Celebrate Your Good

Celebrate Your Good

Sometimes an element of my life feels like a watched pot that will never ever boil. When I find myself obsessing about one particular lukewarm pot, it’s time to mix it up. It’s time to take my eyes off that one pot and focus on all the other pots in my life. There are...
Why Is My Manifestation Taking So Long?

Why Is My Manifestation Taking So Long?

Dear Meli, I ended my last romantic relationship about five years ago. Since then, I’ve been doing tons of prayer and visualization work about bringing in my perfect partner. I know they’re coming – I can feel them. But sometimes I get discouraged. I...
Work Your Imagination

Work Your Imagination

The more clearly I can see my good now, as if it is right here, the more powerfully I am drawing it to me. I use empow­ering tools to support myself in seeing this good. I allow myself to imagine I am in my greater future good right now. When I see it in front of me,...

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