How Do You Survive the Post-Holiday Blues?

How Do You Survive the Post-Holiday Blues?

Dear Meli, I am a big fan of the holiday season. I love it! I love the presents, I love the songs, I love the parties. I know that not everyone loves this season, but I really do. There’s only one problem and that’s what happens to me when the holidays are...
Can We Be Political and Spiritual at the Same Time?

Can We Be Political and Spiritual at the Same Time?

Dear Meli, One of my best friends is really into the Black Lives Matter movement. She considers herself spiritual and is always telling me that spirituality should include social justice. I’m not so sure. Sometimes it seems like people who are really political...
How Do You Handle a Road Raging Spouse?

How Do You Handle a Road Raging Spouse?

Dear Meli, I’m a great driver. I’ve been driving thirty years and I’ve never even had a speeding ticket. My husband – that’s another story. He likes to drive fast. He also tends to get angry at other drivers who don’t go as fast as he...

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