Dear Meli, I have a friend. She’s one of my oldest and dearest friends. We went to grade school together. She’s always had my back, and in many ways she’s one of my biggest supporters. But – and this is a big but – she’s a big complainer. Like,...
Dear Meli, I’m not spiritual. Really, I’m not kidding. My partner of ten years, on the other hand, is super spiritual. When we got together, we were both atheists, but since then she’s totally gone on a spiritual kick. First it was yoga. Then...
Dear Meli, For a long time, I was totally enamored with spiritual life. Amazing things would happen in my life and I would be totally blown away. But now, I’m a lot more blasé about it all. Don’t get me wrong, my life is still great. But somehow, I...
Dear Meli, I have a friend that I give my power away to all the time. I don’t know what it is about her, but even when I give myself a pep talk before I see her, I always end up just giving up and going along with whatever she says is right. I love a lot of...
Dear Meli, I have a dream. It’s a big dream. I haven’t told anyone about it because I don’t want to have anyone discourage me. What do you think about this? Do you think it’s okay to keep it to myself, or should I be sharing it with others who...