When I look at the world around me, I see all kinds of people. Some people I’m not fond of. Others I really admire. Sometimes, when I really admire someone, it’s easy to think that if I were more like them, everything in my life would be perfect. But then I would be...
Impossible situations feel hopeless. It seems there’s nothing I can do to make it better. But there’s something I can do to shift everything. I can close my eyes and imagine my “impossible” situation surrounded by light. To do so is to invite Divine action to the...
I see the perfection of diversity today. I see it in the millions of cells in my body, each expressing in their own way. I see it in the superb variety of plants and animals on this planet. One Source infinitely expressing. So many beautiful beings sharing this...
I allow myself time to chill. I allow myself time to do whatever I want, whether it’s reading or gardening or meditating or watching movies or doing nothing at all. I know what makes me feel relaxed and centered, and I take time to do this on a regular basis. If I...
The sun isn’t worried what anyone else thinks about it. It’s not holding back its fiery greatness so that other suns won’t get jealous. It shines powerfully and radiantly all the time. I take my cue from the sun today. Holding back my light doesn’t serve anyone....