There are many images of God. Old-School God is one of them. Old-School God is quite a character. He can be loving at times, but then He goes off his meds and smites everyone in sight. Today I let Old-School God go. Today I build my own relationship with my Higher...
Other people are always going to have opinions about me. Some people will celebrate who I am and what I do. No matter what. And some people will criticize who I am and what I do. No matter what. Today I follow my own inner knowing and allow myself to shine my bright...
All of my problems start in my mind. I may have challenges. Things may change unexpectedly and I have to regroup. But nothing is a problem. Everything simply is the way it is. When I accept life exactly as it is, there is no problem. Today I practice radical...
Wow! My life is incredible. Wow! I thought I knew what I wanted. I thought I knew what was best for me. But Spirit had something even better in mind. Wow! I never would have predicted how amazing my life could be. And it keeps getting better and better every day. Wow!...
I live in a magical world. This is true whether I realize it or not. So I may as well realize it! The way the systems of my body keep me alive and functioning? Magic! The synchronicities of my life thus far and those that are lined up to surprise me in the future?...