Bless and Curse Not

Bless and Curse Not

When I resist events, circumstances, and people, it doesn’t feel good. Indeed, it often means that the events, circum­stances, and people start to take up more and more space in my head and heart. No fun! Instead, I practice relaxing into the now. Into what is....
March Forward Ideas

March Forward Ideas

I have a storehouse of wonderful ideas inside me. Today I focus on them. Which ideas want my attention? Which ideas want to move from the unmanifest realm into the realm of creation? There is nothing more miraculous than an idea moving from thought to form. I can...
It’s Official

It’s Official

Quantum physicists now have scientific evidence of what mystics have been saying for thousands of years. There is one Cause behind and through everything. I am literally made of the same stuff as stars! Source creates me again and again, in each moment, with every...
Embrace the Surprises

Embrace the Surprises

I don’t know everything, and today I embrace that fact. When I open myself to all that I don’t yet know, the Universe rushes in with wonderful, magical surprises. There is so much to learn. There is so much to love. Hit me up, Universe! I’m ready. I’m open. I’m...
Free Yourself

Free Yourself

Worrying what others think about me is a losing venture. Especially because they’re usually not thinking about me at all. And when they are, their views of me often say a lot more about them than they do about me. As I release the worry about what others think, I free...

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