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Choose Turning Within

Choose Turning Within

When I’m stuck in a rut, it’s tempting to try to do something to get out of it. Unfortunately, my choice of action often includes those very behaviors that got me stuck in the first place. That’s why my first action needs to be inaction. I breathe. I collect myself. I...

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Help! My Family Hates My Sweetheart!

Help! My Family Hates My Sweetheart!

Dear Meli, I'm in love! I met him at a spiritual retreat a year ago and we've been together ever since. But there's a problem. My family doesn't like him. My friends do, which is really more important to me. But I live near both my parents and two of my siblings, and...

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How Do I Free Myself from Jealousy and Comparison?

How Do I Free Myself from Jealousy and Comparison?

Dear Meli, This is embarrassing. I have a nemesis. I am a visual artist and have been my whole adult life. I have actually made a living being an artist, which is something I'm proud of. Back when I was first starting out, I met another artist I'll call Nick. Nick was...

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2 Interventions That Are Helping My Self-Love Game

2 Interventions That Are Helping My Self-Love Game

Low self-esteem is like dental plaque. We all have it. But no one wants to talk about it. Including me. But, for the purposes of this post, and in the hopes that maybe some of you can relate and it might help a little bit, here goes… For a big chunk of my life, I’ve...

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How Can I Contribute to a Harmonious World?

How Can I Contribute to a Harmonious World?

If I had to sum up the recent U.S. Presidential election in one word, I would pick: Divisive. I don’t want to pick that word. I’d rather pick a fun word like Spunky. Or Effervescent. Or Jabberwocky. But alas. I am stuck with Divisive. We all are. In the aftermath of...

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How Can We Hold the Recent Election in a Spiritual Light?

How Can We Hold the Recent Election in a Spiritual Light?

Dear Meli, I am gutted about the recent US presidential election. I was so sure that it was going to go a different way. At first, I felt physically ill. Lately I've been feeling a sense of apathy and depression. I am doubling down on my spiritual practices, and this...

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What Should I Do About My Scheming Sister?

What Should I Do About My Scheming Sister?

Dear Meli, I have one sibling, an older sister. We were closer when we were kids, but we’ve grown apart over the years. We are very different. From my point of view, she’s consumed with status and materialist success. From her point of view, I’m a flaky woo-woo person...

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What If We’re All Chasing the Wrong Goal?

What If We’re All Chasing the Wrong Goal?

No matter what we’re doing, we’re all pretty much chasing the same thing. Excellent foot wear. Kidding. Although there’s lots to be said about excellent foot wear. And having excellent foot wear, like any other aspiration in life, does lead to that other thing we’re...

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How Do I Reign in a Fundamentalist Grandmother?  

How Do I Reign in a Fundamentalist Grandmother?  

Dear Meli, I am a single mom with two elementary school kids. I am also a long-time spiritual seeker who does yoga and meditates regularly – though not as much as I used to since I became a mom! My own mother moved back to my town last year, partly to help with the...

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Why Falling Apart Can Be Part of Moving Forward

Why Falling Apart Can Be Part of Moving Forward

Once a week, Melissa and I unplug. We unplug from our email and our phones. We unplug from our work with OhMyGod Life. We even unplug from each other! I go into my office, shut the door, and spend the day reading and watching my favorite shows and movies. Melissa does...

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How I Learned to Claim My Power by Giving It Away

How I Learned to Claim My Power by Giving It Away

I’m a little embarrassed to write this post. Okay, maybe more than a little. I would say I’m surprised I haven’t written about this already, given that it happened so long ago. But I’m not really surprised. Given the embarrassment factor. So let’s dive in, shall we?...

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