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Life in Z-D

2 Interventions That Are Helping My Self-Love Game

2 Interventions That Are Helping My Self-Love Game

Low self-esteem is like dental plaque. We all have it. But no one wants to talk about it. Including me. But, for the purposes of this post, and in the hopes that maybe some of you can relate and it might help a little bit, here goes… For a big chunk of my life, I’ve...

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How Can I Contribute to a Harmonious World?

How Can I Contribute to a Harmonious World?

If I had to sum up the recent U.S. Presidential election in one word, I would pick: Divisive. I don’t want to pick that word. I’d rather pick a fun word like Spunky. Or Effervescent. Or Jabberwocky. But alas. I am stuck with Divisive. We all are. In the aftermath of...

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What If We’re All Chasing the Wrong Goal?

What If We’re All Chasing the Wrong Goal?

No matter what we’re doing, we’re all pretty much chasing the same thing. Excellent foot wear. Kidding. Although there’s lots to be said about excellent foot wear. And having excellent foot wear, like any other aspiration in life, does lead to that other thing we’re...

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Why Falling Apart Can Be Part of Moving Forward

Why Falling Apart Can Be Part of Moving Forward

Once a week, Melissa and I unplug. We unplug from our email and our phones. We unplug from our work with OhMyGod Life. We even unplug from each other! I go into my office, shut the door, and spend the day reading and watching my favorite shows and movies. Melissa does...

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How I Learned to Claim My Power by Giving It Away

How I Learned to Claim My Power by Giving It Away

I’m a little embarrassed to write this post. Okay, maybe more than a little. I would say I’m surprised I haven’t written about this already, given that it happened so long ago. But I’m not really surprised. Given the embarrassment factor. So let’s dive in, shall we?...

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My Covid Miracle Part 2

My Covid Miracle Part 2

Who knew that Covid could be so giving? Granted, when Melissa and I got Covid for the first time in the winter of ’23, it was giving a lot of fatigue and sniffles. But it also churned out a miracle. As I explained in my first Covid Miracle post, I ended up with an...

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My Covid Miracle

My Covid Miracle

If you think Covid is a hoax, you might want to skip this post. If you don’t like when people find silver linings – or entire pieces of silver – in the midst of challenges, you might want to skip it as well. Almost four years after Covid first made its pesky...

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You Can’t Manifest Something New Without Doing This

You Can’t Manifest Something New Without Doing This

Here’s what a lot of folks think the manifestation process is like: You pick a new thing you want to manifest in your life. You meditate. You say affirmations. You make a vision board. When the new thing comes, it fits neatly into your life. Like the final piece of a...

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My Guru Has a Tail Episode 21: The New Friend

My Guru Has a Tail Episode 21: The New Friend

When you devote yourself to a spiritual path, it means you’re supposed to be super serious. You’re supposed to wear flowing robes and chant mantras. You’re supposed to continually be in a state of flowing, peaceful bliss. Yeah, right. I don’t know about you, but my...

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I Wrote a Novel! And It Predicted My Future!

I Wrote a Novel! And It Predicted My Future!

In the spring of 2007, I finished the first draft of a novel called Tinimi. The super short summary of Tinimi is that it’s about a woman whose love interest disappears into another reality. The not-as-short-summary is as follows: Ollie Finn, a former circus performer...

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The Secret Spiritual Power of Passwords

The Secret Spiritual Power of Passwords

When you think of a password, what comes to mind? How often you forget them? Sharing them with others so you can watch Netflix or Hulu? Getting hacked and having your passwords – and identity – stolen? Those are all perfectly acceptable answers, but how about the...

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