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Life in Z-D

Can You Pass the Scowl Test?

Can You Pass the Scowl Test?

Melissa and I have used a powerful guided meditation for years to transform our lives. One that can help heal any and all places-in-need-of-healing. Now we're excited to bust it out and make it available to you. Read the post to find out more! We've all been there....

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How to Build a Relationship with Your Higher Power

How to Build a Relationship with Your Higher Power

Is it really possible to have a relationship with a Higher Power? I mean, that's a pretty imposing thing to have a relationship with. Like Cher. Except this Cher also created the sky and the seas and everything in creation. Kind of intimidating. When I was a kid, the...

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How Meditation Can Save Your Life

How Meditation Can Save Your Life

Sure, meditation is great for becoming spiritually enlightened, but it's also good for more basic stuff. Like saving your life. Before I started meditating, I would often have bad days. On a bad day, I would feel like this: Sometimes I knew why I felt bad. Other times...

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Are You a Victim of the Meditation Myth?

Are You a Victim of the Meditation Myth?

There's a big fat myth about meditation. This myth is believed by meditators and non-meditators alike. It's especially believed by people who've tried to meditate, but gave up because they sucked at it. Or think they sucked at it. Because of the myth. Here's how it...

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­­­Do You Believe the Money Lie?

­­­Do You Believe the Money Lie?

There are so many lies about money, it's hard to keep track of them all. Like: Money is the root of all evil. It's actually attachment to money that causes behavior some might deem evil. Or how about this one: Money doesn't grow on trees. If money doesn't grow on...

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­­­What’s Your Relationship Formula?

­­­What’s Your Relationship Formula?

We're all run by formulas, whether we like to admit it or not. Given my hard-core nerd status, I actually like admitting it. Formulas that dictate my life and my interactions with others?! Yeah! Bring 'em on! In my early years, my relationships were run by this...

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Why Following Your Bliss Doesn’t Always Feel Good

Why Following Your Bliss Doesn’t Always Feel Good

Many moons ago, a guy named Joseph Campbell told us we're supposed to follow our bliss. If we do that, according to him, everything gets seriously groovy. Doors start to open. Money flows in. Our chakras get all lined up and our aura turns into a Technicolor light...

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­­­How a Midnight Revelation Changed “Life in Z-D”

For those of you who have been following this blog for a while, you know it's been through some changes lately. A year ago, I started posting every other week. Six months ago, Life in Z-D moved to OhMyGod Life. And now, another big change is on the horizon. This time,...

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­­­How to Get Out of Menopause

From the minute I heard about this whole menopause thing, I thought That's not for me! Sweating? Weight gain? Out-of-control moods? No thanks! I'll pass! I started the process about six months ago, and everything was going great. No more periods! No more cramping! No...

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­­­The Power of Prejudice (It’s Not What You Think!)

­­­The Power of Prejudice (It’s Not What You Think!)

Prejudice is everywhere. We see it in the news. We see it in our families. Some of us are more aware of prejudice than others. People of color. Differently-abled people. When we think of the power of prejudice, we tend to think of its destructive power. Let's face it,...

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