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Life in Z-D
The Benefits of a Crappy Life
A crappy life is, well, crappy. Right? One could say it's hard to argue otherwise. But then one wouldn't be a hard-core Goofball nerd who is always looking to argue against crappy and for happy. Which is what led Melissa and I to watch a movie called Happy a while...
Here’s a Sneaky Way to Do Your Affirmations
If you're anything like me, you believe in the power of affirmations. You also find that sometimes it's hard to do them. You're too tired. Or not in the mood. Or you think they're not going to help that much anyway. But if you're anything like me, you also really want...
How to Overcome Resistance to Change
Change is the one thing that never changes. Don't you find that annoying? Maybe you don't. Maybe you're one of those nifty people that actually embraces the fact that everything is always changing all the time. It's not that I never embrace change. If something sucks,...
Why You Should Never Give Up
When it comes to finding a reason not to give up, I like to turn to the words of old dead people. One of my favorite old dead people is Ernest Holmes. Ernest said a lot of great things but the best thing he ever said, in my humble opinion, was this: Principle is not...
Here’s a Quick Quiz to Tell If You’re Getting Enough Sleep
Are you getting enough sleep? Most people aren't. Here's a quick and easy way to tell if you're one of those people: Are you tired right now? If the answer is Yes, chances are you're not getting enough sleep. Here's another question: Do you drink coffee? If the answer...
Here’s a Formula That Will Bust Your Perfectionism Forever!
For those of you who are thinking that there is no way a formula could bust your perfectionism forever, I have this to say: You're right. If you don't think a simple formula can bust your perfectionism forever, then it won't. But if you're willing to believe that...
Healing the Impossible: A Case Study
Every day, we hear stories of people who heal impossible things. How does it happen? What are the ingredients that allow miracles to occur? I was prompted to write this post while pondering my own healing of an eating disorder. I began my journey with food addiction...
Here’s Something to Try the Next Time You Need a Pick-Me-Up
If you're feeling down and need a pick-me-up, there are all kinds of things you can do. You can meditate. You can go for a walk. You can pray. All those things are great, don't get me wrong. But today I want to introduce you to something you've probably never read...
Here’s a Fun Thing to Do with Random Strangers
Is there anything more fun than interacting with random strangers? Let me rephrase that. Is there anything more awkward/uncomfortable/terrifying than interacting with random strangers? Maybe you're one of those extroverts who is shaking your head right now. I love...
Is There a Connection Between Good Posture and a Positive Attitude?
I've always been annoyed by people with good posture. You know the type. They have a stick magic fairy wand that's been shoved gently positioned up their butt into the center of their magic fairy body. Maybe it was an overreaction, but people with good posture used...
Unconditional Love Is Old School. Here’s Something Better!
Everybody's always going on and on about how great unconditional love is. It's all you need for a happy and fulfilling life. It's the best thing ever. Even better than ice cream or sleeping kittens. But unconditional love isn't all it's cracked up to be. Here's why:...
My Guru Has a Tail, Part 10: The Legacy
Any Guru who's worthy of their exalted title leaves a legacy of wisdom behind when they pass over to the non-physical realm. My Guru, our cat Lucy, was no exception to this rule. As many of you know, the Guru passed into the non-physical realm several years ago. Since...