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Life in Z-D
There’s Only One Opinion About Yourself That Matters – And It’s Not Yours
Yes, that's what I said. There's an opinion about you that's even more important than your own. More important than liking how you look in the morning. More important than feeling good about your accomplishments on the job. More important than your pride about your...
How to Use a Pyramid of Power to Protect You From Life’s Annoyances
When was the last time you used a Pyramid of Power to protect you from life's little annoyances? If your answer is either "Never" or "It's been a few months since I've used my Pyramid of Power and boy, do I miss it!", then it's time for you to get back in the game!...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 8: The Quick Change Artist
If you're anything like me, you love change. You can't get enough of it! Every day, you wake up and pray that the Universe will totally rearrange every aspect of your life so you can feel completely disoriented, discombobulated, and disenfranchised. HA! As if. Change...
3 Ways to Tell If You’re Living Your Passion
How do you feel about the phrase "living your passion"? Does it make you tingle from head to toe, eager to bust out and share your passionate stuff with the world? Or does it piss you off? I used to be in the latter category. Mostly because I wasn't living my passion....
How to Perform Miracles in Your Everyday Life
Who can perform miracles? Is it just super-talented people? Like Evel Knievel, riding his motorcycle over buses and sharks. Or Jesus and his light-footed aquatic antics. Or can anyone perform miracles? As you can tell by the title of this post, my answer to this...
How to Master the Art of Not Caring What Other People Think: A Four Step Process
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the least and 10 being the most, how much do you care what other people think of you? If you said 1, you're a liar totally enlightened. If you said 10, Welcome to my world. It's not that I always care what others think about me. I...
A Radical Mantra That Will Shake Up Your Life
What if there was a mantra that could solve all of your problems? I'm talking every single one of your problems – from hangnail to divorce. What if this mantra had the power to completely eviscerate everything you perceive as difficult, wrong, or totally-not-fair? And...
Why Americans Have a Distorted View of Exercise – And How We Can Change It
Do you work out? If so, how often? Once a day? Once a week? Once a year? A while back, I read a book that permanently altered how I see the role of exercise in my life. The book is called The Blue Zones and it chronicles the lives of people in five areas of the world...
Sugar Binge: My Addiction to Candy Crush Saga
Are you one of the eight million people plus who has played Candy Crush Saga? Or are you someone who thinks "Candy Crush Saga" describes the aftermath of a sugar binge? I was in the latter category until read an article about Candy Crush's popularity. The article...
How Karma Yoga Can Keep You Sane
Does this sound familiar? You have a project due for work. Maybe it's a presentation. Maybe it's a report. Maybe it's a performance piece, complete with trained ducks, rings of fire, and a dramatic rendition of "I'm a Little Teapot." Whatever it is, you give it your...
The Secret to Embracing the Unknown
How comfortable are you with not knowing? Do you hate it? Or do you embrace the Unknown, bursting forth into its wide, expansive horizon? Actually, it might not be a wide, expansive horizon. It could be. But it could also be a tiny cave with killer bats and a drooling...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 7: The Secret
Have you ever had something you're embarrassed about? Something you don't want anyone to know? Actually, I don't need to ask that question. Everybody has secrets. Everybody has things they're ashamed about, things they'd rather keep hidden. And that included my Guru,...