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Life in Z-D

The ­­3 Styles of Manifestation – Good, Better and Best

What's the best way to get something done? Visualize it? Or forge ahead and make it happen? Just to be clear, this post is not for people who are only interested in the latter. Yes, you can accomplish a lot by focusing solely on physical reality, but things get a lot...

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The Dalai Lama’s Big Little Secret

The Dalai Lama’s Big Little Secret

What's your favorite thing about the Dalai Lama? His cute little smile? His snappy outfits? His unrelenting efforts in the areas of human rights and world peace? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for world peace. But I just discovered something about the Dalai Lama that's...

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­­­The Power of Rogue Affirmations

­­­The Power of Rogue Affirmations

What's your favorite affirmation? Even if you don't do affirmations, I'll bet you still have one. Like when you're having a great day and you say to yourself, My life is amazing. Or when you accomplish something significant and you think, I am awesome. And I keep...

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Goofball Rap: Big Bang (Biggity Bang)

Mp3 available here! The story behind this video: In the spring of 2012, I took a class at Holmes Institute called Metaphysical Bible. For our final project, our instructor, Rev. Robin Davidson asked us to come up with a presentation that reconciled the Old Testament,...

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How to Use Magic in Your Everyday Life

How to Use Magic in Your Everyday Life

Remember the show Bewitched? Who was your favorite character? Was it Endora, the campy, bee-atchy elder witch? Or Darren – the guy who was so cool, he had to be played by two different actors over the course of the series? Or how about Gladys Kravitz, the nosy...

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­­­The Big, Scary Thing I Do Every Week

­­­The Big, Scary Thing I Do Every Week

What's the scariest thing you have to do? Ask your boss for a raise? Clean your fridge? Or how about speaking in public?! That's always a popular option. There are plenty of things that scare me, but there's one activity I find particularly frightening. So much so, I...

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8 Tips for Dealing with Negative People

8 Tips for Dealing with Negative People

You've all been there: You're having a great day. Maybe your best day ever. The planets are in alignment and everything is going your way. Everywhere you go, doors open. Birds fly in synchronized patterns above your head. People smile and give you cash. Nothing can...

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