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Life in Z-D
Here’s a Magic Word We Learned from Hank, the Pool Guy
What's your favorite word? Do you have one? If so, do you say it all the time, like "Dude" or "Awesome"? Or do you only use it every once and a while? Like, "Gosh, I sure am feeling copacetic today." Or, "I wish I wasn't so discombobulated." I have so many favorite...
Lying as a Spiritual Practice
If you're like most people, you've told a lie from time to time. But have you ever been forced to lie? By a boss? Or parent? Or friend? How did you handle it? Did you ever come clean and tell the truth? Back in the day, I got a great job. It was in the Social Work...
My Pet-Sitting Disaster: What I Lost and What I Found
When you agree to pet-sit for a friend, there are three basic assumptions to be made: 1) You will feed the pet. 2) You will keep the pet safe. 3) You will do your best to keep the pet alive until your friend returns. No problem, right? Piece of cake, right? So why was...
Want to Be an Artist? Here’s the One Thing You Need to Know.
First things first: Whether you realize it or not, you're an artist. Yes, you. I don't care if you can't carry a note. Or if your paintings look like they were drawn by a kindergartner. With her eyes closed. You're an artist. Wanna know how I know? I'll tell you in a...
A Special Message from “Life in ZD”
When I first saw this photo on Flickr, I thought, I have to put that picture in my blog! I popped it in my Favorites folder and waited for the perfect opportunity. What zany situation would best be exemplified by a kitten popping its head out of a shutter? What...
What Do Duct Tape, a Toyota Prius, and Miracles Have in Common?
Why is it that duct tape and extreme situations are often paired together? Earthquakes? Duct tape. Hurricanes? Duct tape. Non-stop talkers? Duct tape. In my case, the situation isn't quite as extreme: It started with my Prius. That's right, I'm a Prius owner. In case...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 2: The Escape
What do you do when you're scared? Do you freeze? Do you act tough, so no one will know you're afraid? Or do you arch your back and fluff up your tail so it looks like you're twice as big as you are? And then hiss? If you picked the last choice, you're in good...
Wanna Make Your Life Better? Try the “Magic 5”!!
If you took an inventory of your life, what would you find? Are there areas that are totally hunky dory? And how about train wrecks – are there any of those? I like to think that my life is train-wreck-free, but that's not always the case. Sometimes my trains get...
How to Break Free of Limiting Beliefs
Have you ever been trapped by a limiting thought? I can't do it. I'm too fat/stupid/smart/old/unworthy. For many of us, these thoughts prevent us from moving forward in our lives. And yet, sometimes, we're able to break free of these restricting beliefs and let our...
The Key Ingredient to a Healthy Relationship
What does "Happily Ever After" mean to you? Perhaps you think of a couple, holding hands and walking into the sunset. But what happens after they stroll out of the frame? Do they keep holding hands? Do they remain in a rapturous, blissed-out state? Or do they get into...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 1: The Fumigation
Who inspires you? Who makes you want to be a better person? Is it someone you know? Or someone you don't? Someone who's still alive? Or someone who's passed over to the other side? In my case, my source of inspiration is someone who has now passed over to Kitty...
Speaking of Bomb Shelters, Did I Tell You What Happened to Our House?
When was the last time you were humiliated? How about mortified? I would love to share with you now a particularly powerful mortification moment from my past. It went like this: A neighbor of ours was standing in front of our home. She was walking her dog and had...