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Life in Z-D
How I Pulled the Curtain on the Law of Attraction
What's so great about the law of attraction? I mean, everybody's talking about it these days. There are movies like "The Secret". And books like "Ask and It Is Given." But the law of attraction is just a law. And the world is full of laws. Like gravity. And stopping...
How “It’s a Small World” Kick-Started My Spiritual Path
What do Disneyland and spiritual retreat centers have in common? Not much. Not on the surface. But scratch that surface a little bit, and you'll find a world of depth, a world of insights, a world of profound spiritual truths just waiting to pour into your mind and...
What to Do If You’re Not Manifesting What You Want
Have you ever been frustrated by affirmations and visualizations? Has your manifesting mojo ever been seriously stymied? You know the drill: You affirm it. You visualize it. You cut out little pictures from magazines and plaster them all over your face. Okay, not your...
What a Simple Email Taught Me About Love
Have you ever found yourself in the position of doing something less than loving? I'm sure you haven't – I'm sure you're totally loving all the time. But me? Not so much. People who know me might be surprised by this comment, but it's true. Oh sure, I may appear all...
Three Little Words That Will Set You Free
How are you doing? It sounds so innocuous, doesn't it? It's right up there with What's new? and What's happening? All these questions require a reply, preferably one of a short, definitive nature: Fine. It's going great. Super. Thanks for asking. As if. Here in...
What My Dyson Vacuum Cleaner Taught Me About the Precariousness of Perfection
What's your relationship to perfection?! Do you constantly strive to achieve it in every area of your life? Or do you thumb your nose at such an archaic and unrealistic concept? Either way, this post is for you! I recently shared a story about a 93-year-old man and...
Wanna Feel Better Fast? Try This!
What do you do when you're feeling crappy? If you're like me, you have a variety of techniques to feel better, some of which work and some of which don't. In the past, food – especially sugar – was my favorite quick-fix. Never mind that it made me feel worse...
How I Forgot the Most Important Thing. And How I Remembered It Again.
What's your most important thing? Do you have one? And if so, do you ever forget it? I wish I could say I have my priorities in order and never forget what's most important to me. But that's not the case. Claiming that I always remember what's most important to me...
How I Got Schooled by a 93-Year-Old Toastmaster
Have you ever underestimated someone? Perhaps you decided they weren't smart enough. Or cool enough. Or nice enough. Or spiritual enough. I don't know about you, but I find that my snap judgments of people are usually wrong. I mean, first of all, it's a judgment....
What Did Buddha Leave Out of the Eightfold Path? And What Does It Have to Do with Blogging?
So there was this guy named Buddha. Perhaps you've heard of him. He had a lot to say about a lot of things, and one of those things was the Noble Eightfold Path. This particular octagonal path consists of a bunch of groovy activities to help you have a groovy,...
Why Grown-Ups Need Time-Outs Too
When was the last time you had a time-out? And by time-out, I don't mean someone ordered you to go to your room for fifteen minutes and think about why you felt the need to steal your sister's teddy bear. Although if it would benefit you to do this, by all means, go...
My Front-Row Ticket to a Miracle
What happens after we die? Do we disappear into a void, never to be seen or heard from again? Or do we float down a tunnel of white light, reuniting with our spiritual heroes and loved ones? I have a few hunches about what happens after death. I think life goes on,...