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Life in Z-D
How to Tackle Long-Neglected Tasks
You're probably wondering what a subject such as this is doing on a website about spiritual growth. Wonder not! Here at OhMyGod Life, we're all about tools for Radically Joyful Living. These tools include meditation, affirmations, and gratitude. These tools also...
The Power of an Unplugged Day
First of all, I just want to give a shout out to the Plugged. There are a lot of super-cool things about our current technology. I love it that I can text my wife and ask her if she wants anything at the store when I’m there. I love our Facebook community at OhMyGod...
The Most Important Element of Spiritual Practice
I've been doing this spiritual thang for over thirty years. In that time, I've learned a lot. I've also learned that I know nothing. Indeed, realizing how little I know is one of the most valuable things I’ve learned. But there’s something else I’ve realized, a truth...
The Best Meditation Help Ever!
I don't know about you, but when I think about meditation, I think of a thoroughly solo endeavor. Cut to earnest individual with eyes closed, sitting in a field all by themselves. Right?! Sure, you can meditate with someone else, but it's not anything they can do for...
What’s Your Number? And Why Does It Matter?
I know. It totally sounds like we're at a bar and I'm trying to hit on you. What's your number, little lady? But here’s the thing – I’m a Five, and knowing that I’m a Five has changed my life for the better in innumerable ways. For those of you who still think we’re...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 11: There’s a New Guru in Town
In the world of spiritual practice, no relationship is more sacred than that of student and guru. I should know. My former guru was one of the best. She taught me to make peace with perpetual change. She taught me to overcome obstacles. And, most important, she taught...
There’s Only One Way Out of a Vicious Cycle
Vicious cycles are not fun. Even the word vicious totally sounds bad, right? Vishhhhhhhh-Isssssssssss. Makes me wanna crawl under my bed and not come out until that evil, hissing vicious cycle slinks back to where it came from. But wait, where did it come from? That’s...
Five Ways to Be a Peace Warrior
Is it just me, or have things gone batshit crazy a little wacky lately? For those of you who share this sentiment, I know that sometimes it's hard to know what to do. How do we respond to hatred? How do we respond to the sanctification of fear-based prejudice? And...
The Missing Piece in Most Prosperity Programs
If you just think the right thoughts, you'll get rich. That's the promise of most prosperity programs. And while it's true that changing your consciousness about money can enhance your real-life experience with money, there's a lot more to financial freedom than...
How Do You Survive the End of Your Spiritual Honeymoon?
Remember the first time you realized the Divine was real? For me, it was like the Wizard of Oz, where everything suddenly shifted from black-and-white to Technicolor. Plus there was singing. And flying monkeys. (What? Your spiritual realization didn't involve flying...
Want a Quick Shift? In Any Area of Your Life?
There are about 5,673 techniques for making your life better. Okay, there are more than that, but I thought it sounded better to give an exact sum. Of these more than 5,673 techniques, many of them are super complicated. You have to take a class to learn how to do it....
Key Questions to Ask When Making a Decision
Decisions can be tough. There are so many factors to weigh, so many possible outcomes. Over the years, I’ve used different methods to make decisions. When I was younger, I relied on other people’s opinions. My key question was: What do other people think is the right...