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The Hidden Plot Twist in Your Life Story
Have you ever seen a movie with a hidden plot twist? One you never saw coming? The best friend is the murderer. The hero is the villain. The goofy sidekick is actually an evil genius intent on destroying the planet with her madcap unicorn made of slime. You know, the...
How Do You Move On?
Dear Meli, I have been in a difficult relationship for a long time. We have both been growing a lot, and for a long time it made sense for me to stay. But now I am realizing that it's time to go. It's hurting me too much to stay in this relationship. And yet leaving...
What’s Your Prosperity Score?
We all have one. You might not know you have one. But you do. Each and every person on this planet has a prosperity score, a setting that determines how much prosperity they have – and will allow – into their lives. Because prosperity is a huge topic, everyone has a...
Do You Have to Meditate to Be Spiritual?
Dear Meli, This may be a silly question, but do you really need to meditate if you're on a spiritual path? I ask because I really hate to meditate. I have a really hard time sitting still and quieting my mind. I'm a runner and that seems to be my preferred form of...
How to Love Your Body Now!
Is there anything more annoying than being told you should do something? You should floss every day. You should think positive thoughts. You should exercise, eat right, meditate, get lots of sleep, be nice to strangers, stay away from booze and drugs, and rescue...
How Can I Be Myself Around Others?
Dear Meli, This might seem like a strange question, but I have a hard time being myself. I'm a total chameleon, and I tend to act like whoever I'm with. This makes me really easy to get along with, but sometimes I don't know who I really am. I also tend to not stand...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 12: The Sex Scandal
Everyone who knows anything about Gurus knows that they tend to get snagged by three things. Sex. Money. Power. Our Guru Max is totally uninterested in money. We tried giving him a credit card, but the lack of opposable thumbs made it difficult to use. He’s not...
Do We Have to Eat Healthy to Be Spiritual?
Dear Meli, I am a really healthy eater. I do it because it makes me feel better, but also because I feel like it helps me spiritually. My best friend, however, doesn't eat healthy at all. And, I have to admit, she's also one of the most loving and spiritually...
The 3 Problems with Being Guided by Spirit
It sounds so romantic. I’m letting Spirit guide my life. I’m being held and sustained by a Power that’s greater than me. I never worry about anything, ever, because I know the Divine is always in charge. But, like any great romance, there’s a downside. No, it doesn’t...
Is It Ever Right to Change Yourself for Others?
Dear Meli, I am a strong-minded person who tells it like it is. Some people are turned off by this, but my closest friends are not. Lately though, I was dating a man I really liked a lot. As he was breaking up with me, he said that I'm just "too much" for him. This is...
How to Tackle Long-Neglected Tasks
You're probably wondering what a subject such as this is doing on a website about spiritual growth. Wonder not! Here at OhMyGod Life, we're all about tools for Radically Joyful Living. These tools include meditation, affirmations, and gratitude. These tools also...
Is Competition Bad for a Friendship?
Dear Meli, I have a friend that I like a lot. Well, most of the time. Here's the thing: He's really smart. And really handsome. And really into his spiritual practice. Not in a show-offy way. He's just really good at everything he does. The only bad part is what...