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The 3 Problems with Being Guided by Spirit
It sounds so romantic. I’m letting Spirit guide my life. I’m being held and sustained by a Power that’s greater than me. I never worry about anything, ever, because I know the Divine is always in charge. But, like any great romance, there’s a downside. No, it doesn’t...
Is It Ever Right to Change Yourself for Others?
Dear Meli, I am a strong-minded person who tells it like it is. Some people are turned off by this, but my closest friends are not. Lately though, I was dating a man I really liked a lot. As he was breaking up with me, he said that I'm just "too much" for him. This is...
How to Tackle Long-Neglected Tasks
You're probably wondering what a subject such as this is doing on a website about spiritual growth. Wonder not! Here at OhMyGod Life, we're all about tools for Radically Joyful Living. These tools include meditation, affirmations, and gratitude. These tools also...
Is Competition Bad for a Friendship?
Dear Meli, I have a friend that I like a lot. Well, most of the time. Here's the thing: He's really smart. And really handsome. And really into his spiritual practice. Not in a show-offy way. He's just really good at everything he does. The only bad part is what...
The Power of an Unplugged Day
First of all, I just want to give a shout out to the Plugged. There are a lot of super-cool things about our current technology. I love it that I can text my wife and ask her if she wants anything at the store when I’m there. I love our Facebook community at OhMyGod...
Is Money a Corrupting Influence?
Dear Meli, Money is the root of all evil. Yeah, I know that we spiritual types shake our heads at this phrase and say “No way!” But I kinda agree with it. Even when I don’t want to. I’ve been working really hard lately to let in more money in my life, and I’m aware...
The Most Important Element of Spiritual Practice
I've been doing this spiritual thang for over thirty years. In that time, I've learned a lot. I've also learned that I know nothing. Indeed, realizing how little I know is one of the most valuable things I’ve learned. But there’s something else I’ve realized, a truth...
Should You Always Tell the Truth?
Dear Meli, I have a friend that wants to be a singer. She's sure that she's going to be a big star. She's in her early forties and has been singing for a long time, but her career has never taken off. At all. And here's the thing: she's not really a great singer....
The Best Meditation Help Ever!
I don't know about you, but when I think about meditation, I think of a thoroughly solo endeavor. Cut to earnest individual with eyes closed, sitting in a field all by themselves. Right?! Sure, you can meditate with someone else, but it's not anything they can do for...
How Can You Find Fulfilling Work?
Dear Meli, I hate my job. Like, really really really hate my job. But I can't quit. I need to support my family and right now there's nothing else out there in my field. In spiritual circles, they say "Do what you love and the money will follow." Well, the money is...
What’s Your Number? And Why Does It Matter?
I know. It totally sounds like we're at a bar and I'm trying to hit on you. What's your number, little lady? But here’s the thing – I’m a Five, and knowing that I’m a Five has changed my life for the better in innumerable ways. For those of you who still think we’re...
How Do You Raise Spiritually Aware Children?
Photo: Jay on flickr Dear Meli, I am a mom of three kids, ages 7 to 15. I am also a meditator and a spiritual seeker. I have tried to teach my kids about the value of being spiritually aware, with mixed results. My teenage daughters are pretty resistant at this point....