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How Do You Find Space in a Hectic Life?

How Do You Find Space in a Hectic Life?

Dear Meli, My life is awesome! In fact, I'm living the life of my dreams. But lately there's been a little too much awesome. There's so much great stuff in my life, but I'm having a hard time fitting everything in. There are all these great projects I'm working on,...

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What’s Missing in Modern Spirituality?

What’s Missing in Modern Spirituality?

Dear Meli, I have been attending a spiritual center for about two years. I love going there and I love the people. I also love what I have learned about spirituality. It's very different from my childhood, when God was a mean old guy who lived in the sky. There's only...

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­­­The Biggest Problem With Affirmations

­­­The Biggest Problem With Affirmations

Affirmations are awesome! Affirmations – positive statements formed in the present tense – are a great way to change habitual thinking. Especially if they're used passionately and consistently. But – yes, there is a but – they have one drawback. This drawback brings...

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Can You Heal Everything with Your Mind?

Can You Heal Everything with Your Mind?

­­­Dear Meli, I've been getting headaches recently and I wasn't sure why. My doctor suggested an eye exam and Voila! They say I need glasses. Here's my problem with this. I've been told by my spiritual teacher that I can heal any physical malady with my mind. And I...

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­­­How to Change Your Life in 10 Seconds a Day

­­­How to Change Your Life in 10 Seconds a Day

Yes, I know it's a bold claim. And I know I'm an American, and Americans are known for wanting things done quickly and easily, even if it's at the expense of the environment and the rest of humanity. But hear me out! This won't hurt the planet or anyone else! And it...

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How Do You Handle Your Dream Not Coming True?

How Do You Handle Your Dream Not Coming True?

Dear Meli, I'm a visual artist, and I've been working hard creating my art for over two decades so far. I love what I do, but there's one thing that keeps getting me down. I have a really big vision for my art. I see it touching people all over the world. I've had...

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Can You Learn to Love Your Body?

Can You Learn to Love Your Body?

Dear Meli, I know I am supposed to love myself, warts and all. And I am better at this than I have ever been. I continue to get better all the time, in fact. I practice being nicer to me, and I get better at it. But I have this one area that feels impossible for me,...

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Why a Direct Route Is Never the Most Efficient

Why a Direct Route Is Never the Most Efficient

Have you ever had a plan? Perhaps it was a detailed outline, with multiple steps to your goal. Or maybe it was much simpler, like running to the store to pick up a carton of milk. (Or, these days, a carton of organic, free-range soy milk.) And have you ever had these...

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Are You Supposed to Heal Every Illness?

Are You Supposed to Heal Every Illness?

Dear Meli, I have a friend who is dying. He's been sick for a long time, so it's actually a relief. But here's the thing. One of our mutual friends is not accepting that he's going. She's insisting that we need to pray more about it. Lately, she's been getting really...

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How to Rise Above Criticism About Your Passion

How to Rise Above Criticism About Your Passion

Is there anything better than people telling you that your passion sucks?! Oh, wait. That's not what I meant to say. Why the &%$^ do people think they have the right to tell you there's something wrong with the thing that is most precious to you?! That's better....

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