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How Do You Handle a Micro-Manager?

How Do You Handle a Micro-Manager?

Dear Meli, I have been working in the same office for over twelve years. My boss has been bothering me for just about that long! She is really controlling - pretty much the essence of a micro manager. Just when I think that things are getting better, she clamps down...

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The Magic Formula Behind All Spiritual Practice

The Magic Formula Behind All Spiritual Practice

I recently got a great present. At least, it was a great present for a nerd like me. I was given a Universal Remote. I was so excited I could barely contain myself. No, I was not under the mistaken impression that when they called it a Universal remote, it meant it...

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Is There Room for Ego in Spiritual Practice?

Is There Room for Ego in Spiritual Practice?

Dear Meli, I'm currently in a spiritual community where they talk a lot about the ego. Mostly, they talk about how bad it is. I've also started reading things about the Law of Attraction, where it talks about the power of thought in attracting what you want into your...

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Can You Pass the Scowl Test?

Can You Pass the Scowl Test?

Melissa and I have used a powerful guided meditation for years to transform our lives. One that can help heal any and all places-in-need-of-healing. Now we're excited to bust it out and make it available to you. Read the post to find out more! We've all been there....

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How Do You Get Unstuck about Money?

How Do You Get Unstuck about Money?

Dear Meli, My life is really good. I have a great partner. I have a job I like. I have a great relationship with my grown kids. I have a wonderful spiritual community. There's only one part of my life that isn't totally great. And that's my relationship with money....

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How Do You Navigate Religious Differences in Your Family?

How Do You Navigate Religious Differences in Your Family?

Dear Meli, The holidays are upon us. This year, I am going back to spend time with my family of origin, something I haven't done for a long time. My family is really religious, especially my parents and two of my siblings. I consider myself really religious too, but...

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How to Build a Relationship with Your Higher Power

How to Build a Relationship with Your Higher Power

Is it really possible to have a relationship with a Higher Power? I mean, that's a pretty imposing thing to have a relationship with. Like Cher. Except this Cher also created the sky and the seas and everything in creation. Kind of intimidating. When I was a kid, the...

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How Do You Love a Rotten Neighbor?

How Do You Love a Rotten Neighbor?

Dear Meli, "Love your neighbor" is a common phrase. But whoever said that didn't know my neighbors. When they first moved in, everything seemed fine. But three years and twenty police reports later, everything looks a little different. Domestic violence, drug use,...

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Is It Spiritual to Take Medication for Depression?

Dear Meli, I have struggled with depression for many years. For a long time, I resisted the idea of medication. About two years ago, I finally started taking meds. They are definitely helping, but now I have another dilemma. I still have this idea that I should have...

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How Meditation Can Save Your Life

How Meditation Can Save Your Life

Sure, meditation is great for becoming spiritually enlightened, but it's also good for more basic stuff. Like saving your life. Before I started meditating, I would often have bad days. On a bad day, I would feel like this: Sometimes I knew why I felt bad. Other times...

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