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How Do You Visualize When You’re Stuck?

Dear Meli, When I first started doing affirmations and visualizing, I had great luck. Everything I imagined came to me – friends, a great job, good health. But lately – everything has been falling apart. I'm still doing the affirmations and visualization, but now it's...

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Are You a Victim of the Meditation Myth?

Are You a Victim of the Meditation Myth?

There's a big fat myth about meditation. This myth is believed by meditators and non-meditators alike. It's especially believed by people who've tried to meditate, but gave up because they sucked at it. Or think they sucked at it. Because of the myth. Here's how it...

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How Do You End a Friendship?

Dear Meli, I've have a friend that I've been friends with since we were kids. For the past few years, I've had a harder and harder time being around him. I feel bad even admitting this, because he's a great guy. It's just that we're moving in different directions....

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­­­Do You Believe the Money Lie?

­­­Do You Believe the Money Lie?

There are so many lies about money, it's hard to keep track of them all. Like: Money is the root of all evil. It's actually attachment to money that causes behavior some might deem evil. Or how about this one: Money doesn't grow on trees. If money doesn't grow on...

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How Can You Help a Family Member in Trouble?

Dear Meli, I am writing to you about my sister. She has been having a hard time for years now, but lately it's gotten worse. Her husband left her a year ago, one of her children is battling alcoholism, and she recently got laid off from work. The worst part of all of...

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­­­What’s Your Relationship Formula?

­­­What’s Your Relationship Formula?

We're all run by formulas, whether we like to admit it or not. Given my hard-core nerd status, I actually like admitting it. Formulas that dictate my life and my interactions with others?! Yeah! Bring 'em on! In my early years, my relationships were run by this...

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Can You Find Recovery Outside of the Twelve Steps?

Dear Meli, I have been in recovery from drug and alcohol use for five years. I have been going to Twelve Step programs for most of that time. Recently, though, I have been having trouble with meetings. It seems that everyone is so focused on their identity as an...

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Why Following Your Bliss Doesn’t Always Feel Good

Why Following Your Bliss Doesn’t Always Feel Good

Many moons ago, a guy named Joseph Campbell told us we're supposed to follow our bliss. If we do that, according to him, everything gets seriously groovy. Doors start to open. Money flows in. Our chakras get all lined up and our aura turns into a Technicolor light...

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How Do You Handle a Friend’s Adultery?

Dear Meli, I recently found out that the wife of a dear friend of mine is having an affair. If you're wondering what this has to do with spirituality, that's my question. She is supposedly a "spiritual" person. And yet her behavior seems so out of integrity to me. I'm...

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­­­How a Midnight Revelation Changed “Life in Z-D”

For those of you who have been following this blog for a while, you know it's been through some changes lately. A year ago, I started posting every other week. Six months ago, Life in Z-D moved to OhMyGod Life. And now, another big change is on the horizon. This time,...

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How Do You Conquer Low Self-Esteem?

Dear Meli, I've been doing spiritual stuff for years. Meditation, affirmations, yoga. You name it, I've done it. It's definitely helped me, but I still have this issue. It's my self-esteem. Even with all the years of spiritual work, I still feel insecure. I still...

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­­­How to Get Out of Menopause

From the minute I heard about this whole menopause thing, I thought That's not for me! Sweating? Weight gain? Out-of-control moods? No thanks! I'll pass! I started the process about six months ago, and everything was going great. No more periods! No more cramping! No...

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