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Does Your Partner Need to Be on a Spiritual Path?

Dear Meli – I have had a regular spiritual practice for about ten years. It has changed my life for the better in more ways than I can say. A few months ago, I started dating a guy I met through a mutual friend. The relationship is everything I ever wanted, except for...

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My Guru Has a Tail, Part 10: The Legacy

My Guru Has a Tail, Part 10: The Legacy

Any Guru who's worthy of their exalted title leaves a legacy of wisdom behind when they pass over to the non-physical realm. My Guru, our cat Lucy, was no exception to this rule. As many of you know, the Guru passed into the non-physical realm several years ago. Since...

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How Can You Feel Better Around Your Family of Origin?

How Can You Feel Better Around Your Family of Origin?

Dear Meli, I have a problem. And it's not me. My life is great – I have a wonderful husband, we just had our first child, we both have work we love, we're part of a beautiful spiritual community. The problem is my family. When I'm around my husband and child, I feel...

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Can You Be Spiritual If You Hate God?

 Dear Meli, I'm writing you because I want to be more spiritual. I have friends who are into spiritual stuff and it seems to make them really happy. But I haven’t been able to get into it. It feels like I have to be fake, or be someone I'm not. Also, I'm really not...

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The End of “Life in Z-D” as We Know It

Yup, that's what I said. But don't panic. Every end is a new beginning. Every time one door closes, another one opens. I know what you're thinking: Cut the crap, Goofball. You can't stop now! You make me laugh. You make me cry. You give me something to do at work when...

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My Guru Has a Tail, Part 9: The Miracle

My Guru Has a Tail, Part 9: The Miracle

A few days after I wrote this post, the Guru (aka our kitty Lucy) died suddenly of undetected heart failure. As a tribute to the Guru's mysterious ways, I wanted to share the following with you in its original form. This post is dedicated to our feisty little Guru. We...

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Take the All-Day Appreciator Challenge!

Take the All-Day Appreciator Challenge!

Have you ever listened to what your mind is telling you? Like, really listened? If your mind is anything like my mind, it can get pretty interesting in there. Sure, my mind coughs up some deep and profound stuff from time to time. It also gets totally blissed out and...

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What’s the Trick to the Law of Attraction?

What’s the Trick to the Law of Attraction?

­­ What do you do when something bad less-than-pleasing happens? Do you tell yourself: A) Bad things are always happening to me. Cuz I'm a loser like that. B) Bad thing? What bad thing? C) I caused it! I caused the bad thing with my bad less-than-pleasing vibration!...

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What’s Better – Help from Seen or Unseen Sources?

What’s Better – Help from Seen or Unseen Sources?

We've all been there. Something goes wrong: We get hurt. Someone offends us. Our car runs out of gas. So how do we get out of trouble? Where do we turn for help? Do we look for assistance from things we can see – people, places and things? Or is it better to ask for...

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