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Is Your Ego Driving Your Spiritual Path?

Is Your Ego Driving Your Spiritual Path?

We've all been there: We're meditating. Or doing yoga. Or some really groovy, spiritual thing. And we're totally in the zone. We're in the flow with everything around us. We're totally getting the whole spiritual thing. We're feelin' it. We're livin' it. We ARE it....

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­­­Why Judging Others Is a Spiritual Practice

­­­Why Judging Others Is a Spiritual Practice

If you're a good little spiritual seeker, one of the first things you learn is you're not supposed to judge others. Judging others is baaaaaaaad. Wait. Is that a judgment? Kinda sounds like one. Let's try this instead: Judging others is not an optimal way to achieve...

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­­­What’s the Opposite of Perfectionism?

­­­What’s the Opposite of Perfectionism?

If you're like most people, you tend to get a little perfectionistic from time to time. Or maybe "from time to time" isn't specific enough for you. How's this: You tend to get a little perfectionistic every day for approximately 14 hours. Is that "perfect" enough for...

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How to Be With the Non-Woo-Woo

How to Be With the Non-Woo-Woo

Have you ever hung out with someone you had nothing in common with? How was it? Did you love the challenge of connecting with someone completely different than you? Did you revel in the satisfaction of bridging dissimilarities and basking in your essential oneness? Or...

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Here’s a Brand New Metaphor for the Spiritual Path

Here’s a Brand New Metaphor for the Spiritual Path

If you have any interest in spiritual growth, or even if you don't, you've probably heard this a million times: "Life is a journey, not a destination.” I always thought this quote came from the people who made posters in the 1970's. You know the ones. There's a...

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What’s Better – Loving Yourself or Loving Others?

What’s Better – Loving Yourself or Loving Others?

Have you ever had someone tell you: "You can't love anyone until you learn to love yourself"? And did you want to strangle the person who told you that? Though that wouldn't be very loving, would it? Yes, it's true that if we don't love ourselves, it's difficult to...

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­­­­­Why Numbers Suck. And What You Can Do About It.

­­­­­Why Numbers Suck. And What You Can Do About It.

How do you feel about numbers? Do they scare you? Does the phrase "Solve for X" make your skin crawl and your toes sweat? Or are you a geek who embraces the numerical world with all the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas morning? Oh boy! Pythagorean triples and...

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­­­Why Marriage Matters

­­­Why Marriage Matters

Are you one of those kids who dreamed about your wedding day? Or were you more into playing kickball and eating ice cream, unencumbered by such trivial fantasies? Throughout my childhood, I was solidly in the second camp. I never once had images of myself in a fancy...

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