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What Did Buddha Leave Out of the Eightfold Path? And What Does It Have to Do with Blogging?
So there was this guy named Buddha. Perhaps you've heard of him. He had a lot to say about a lot of things, and one of those things was the Noble Eightfold Path. This particular octagonal path consists of a bunch of groovy activities to help you have a groovy,...
Why Grown-Ups Need Time-Outs Too
When was the last time you had a time-out? And by time-out, I don't mean someone ordered you to go to your room for fifteen minutes and think about why you felt the need to steal your sister's teddy bear. Although if it would benefit you to do this, by all means, go...
My Front-Row Ticket to a Miracle
What happens after we die? Do we disappear into a void, never to be seen or heard from again? Or do we float down a tunnel of white light, reuniting with our spiritual heroes and loved ones? I have a few hunches about what happens after death. I think life goes on,...
What My Honeymoon Taught Me About the Nature of Reality
When you think of a honeymoon, what comes to mind? Dreamy newlyweds drinking champagne, staring into each other's eyes? Or trips to Hawaii and the Bahamas, with long, lazy days spent sleeping and making love? Or how about mind excursions into the fleeting nature of...
How to Make Your Life Better Than You Could Ever Imagine
When you think about your life, what comes to mind? Is it bursting at the seams with love and creativity? Or is it just limping along, looking for a place to rest its weary head? Or maybe it's somewhere in between. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, my guess is that...
What’s Your HA? And How Is It Affecting Your Life?
What if there was a way to quickly access the inner workings of your psyche? What if there was a way to easily and accurately take a snapshot of your unconscious? There is. Hello, folks! Dr. Z here, and I'm back to share my latest development in psycho-spiritual...
Revenge of Big Foot: What My Unusual Physical Attribute Taught Me About Authenticity and Acceptance
Do you have a physical attribute that you hate? Maybe it's your nose. Or your belly. Or your ankles. Do you often think that if only you didn't have this dreaded physical feature, everything would be so much better? In my case, it was my feet. I have enormous feet....
6 Things You Need to Know About Boundaries. Plus: The Best Demonstration of Boundaries EVER!!
When you hear the word "boundaries," what comes to mind? A crossing guard in full uniform, his squinty eyes leveling you with disdain? Or an insurmountable barrier, like a barbed-wire fence with Rottweilers on the bottom and sharp, pointy spikes on top? Or maybe you...
Dominos and Donuts: The Truth About Change
There's a common misconception about change, and it goes like this: We see our lives like a donut. Everything is fine, except for the hole in the middle. If only this hole could be filled, everything would be perfect. Maybe it's our weight. Or our job. Or our partner....
Why Affirmations Can Make Everything Worse. And What to Do About It.
Affirmations may seem all light and fluffy, but they're not. In fact, I think they should come with a warning label. You heard me right. A warning label. Anyone who starts using affirmations – positive, present-tense statements designed to train one's consciousness in...
The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me On Stage, Part 1
You're asked to perform in front of an audience. What do you do? A) Put a bag over your head in order to hide your freaked-out face B) Laugh uncontrollably while fleeing the room C) Grab a mic and run on stage, eager to perform your heart out According to the polls,...
Goofball Quiz #2: What’s Your Goofball Ayurvedic Type?
So, you're a Goofball. But do you know what kind of Goofball you are?! The other day, I was reading an article in Elephant Journal about Ayurvedic types. It got me thinking: What about Ayurvedic types for Goofballs?! I know, we're wacky and unpredictable, but what if...