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Dr. Body Temple

Dr. Body Temple

My body is my buddy. It is always there for me, working 24/7 to keep me alive. Today I give back to my buddy. What can I do to show my body some love? Do I need to give it a nap? Do I need to take it for a stroll around the block? Do I need to feed it some healthy,...

Chocolate Ganache OR Sponge Cake

Chocolate Ganache OR Sponge Cake

I live in a universe of abundance. Spirit did not put me here to shrink away. Spirit put me here to play, laugh, and enjoy my life. There’s lots of “cake” in my life. Am I holding back from enjoying it? Am I waiting until I am “enough” in some area...

Take the Steps

Take the Steps

Today I take a walk on the bold side. What wild ideas want to be unleashed in me? Today I let them out. First I admit them to myself. Then I write them down. Then I take the first steps toward their realization. As I do so, I am invigor­ated. I feel alive and...

Hit the Pause Button

Hit the Pause Button

It’s easy to jump to conclusions about something. Especially something I don’t understand. My mind loves to have answers and certainty, and it has no problem making stuff up! But when I pause, and stay curious about things I don’t understand, I allow room for all...

You’re Made of Stardust!

You’re Made of Stardust!

I have lots of different voices in my head. Some are really helpful. Others? Not so much. My fear voice and my low self-esteem voice are closely related. Ultimately, they’re trying to keep me safe, but they do so at the expense of my growth and expansion. I am...

Time for Releasing

Time for Releasing

Is there room in my life for new good? Are there clunky, old ideas blocking its way? Today I take a look. Do I need to replace my old beliefs of unworthiness with new ones of deserving? Do I need to swap out notions of scarcity with new ones of abundance? It’s never...

Enjoy the Process

Enjoy the Process

Moving forward means sometimes I stumble and fall. That’s part of the process. When I realize this, I don’t have to beat myself up for something that is a natural part of moving forward. What a relief! Now I can enjoy the process. Now I can even enjoy falling. It...

Transport to Gratitude

Transport to Gratitude

Grumbletudes can be alluring at times. What’s wrong with complaining a little? Especially when I feel like I’ve been wronged, or someone is being especially annoying. But Grumbletudes are like mice: they tend to reproduce at an alarming rate. Before I know it, I’m...

Choose Sweet Street

Choose Sweet Street

If I’m about to go into an internal freak-out about something, I can pause. I can take a breath. This is a powerful moment of choice. Yes, I can traipse down Angst Alley and get my knickers in a serious twist. But there’s another way. When I remember to be gentle with...

Embrace Clarity

Embrace Clarity

The contracted, egoic part of me is wrong a lot. A lot! And yet, because my ego is like an intoxicated person inhabiting my brain, it has no problem sharing its opinion with me. Often quite loudly. When I understand that this loud, inebri­ated part of me is usually in...

Joy of Goal Altering

Joy of Goal Altering

Goals can give me encouragement and structure. But if my goals are too far out of reach, they can be discouraging and destructive. Today I take stock of my goals. Are there any that are causing me pain? If so, I don’t necessarily need to abandon them. I can break them...

Breathe Energy, Exhale Freedom

Breathe Energy, Exhale Freedom

Coming together with others for a bigger purpose lifts my spirits. I may sit with others in a group meditation. I may march with others for justice and freedom. I may join with others to sing and dance. As I merge into the collective energy, I feel my own energy...

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