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Let It Be-ing

Let It Be-ing

I am much more than a taskmaster. Yes, I can get things done, but if I forget to be in the middle of my do, I lose the best part. When I’m not be-ing, there’s no one there to enjoy what I’m do-ing. Today I relish my Be and my Do. What a wonderful combination they are!...

Get Amplified

Get Amplified

Come by here, Spirit. Opening to Spirit’s assistance in prayer, word, or song is a practice of grace. In asking, I am acknowl­edging that I can’t do it alone. In receiving, I am allowing Spirit to expand my life in wonderful ways. The pro­cess of gathering with others...

Daily Requirement

Daily Requirement

Hee hee hee. That’s funny! Hee hee hee. Giggling is good for me. If I’m not getting enough giggles, today I find a way to get some. My sense of humor is unique to me, so I know best what will make me laugh. Hee hee hee. If I can make someone else giggle, so much the...

Stay Inspired

Stay Inspired

I have many stories in my head. Some were given to me by my family. Some were given to me by society. And some are given to me by Spirit. Today I focus on my spiritual stories. What does Spirit want me to know about me? Hint hint: If the stories I’m hearing make me...

Responsive Act

Responsive Act

My body is so smart. It knows what it needs in every moment. When I don’t listen to it, it gets louder. As it gets louder, things can get out of balance. Today I practice listening to my body before it has to shout. Hello, body. What do you need? Are you hungry? Do...

Change Your Tude

Change Your Tude

Grumbletude turns my life into a dark and cloudy place. Everything looks gloomy and gray. I worry that the sun will never come back. Gratitude, on the other hand, brings out the sunshine. Everything looks so bright and sparkly and beautiful. The wonderful thing about...

Money + Me

Money + Me

Money is my friend. Money and I do wonderful things in the world. Sure, there are people who make up yucky stories about money. But I don’t have to do that. I know that money is spiritual substance, as is everything in the world. Knowing this, I see money with the...

Source Peace

Source Peace

I am a creative being. Today I use my creativity, starting with my mind. When I anchor my mind in the atmosphere of peace, it’s amazing what happens. I see peace in myself and all beings. I experience peace and calm everywhere I go. I see harmony in my surroundings,...

Subtle Nudges

Subtle Nudges

Trial and error are a part of life. Sometimes my trials involve thinking I know everything. Sometimes my errors involve getting an intuitive hunch to do something and ignoring it. But that’s the beauty of trial and error: I learn. I get better at hearing the inner...

Want Freedom?

Want Freedom?

Some things are easy to let go of. Others are a little harder. And then there are those things that I am absolutely unwill-ing to let go of. In that case, I may need to wait until I get sooooo tired that letting go is the only option. This isn’t neces­sarily a bad...

Kindness Without a Doubt

Kindness Without a Doubt

I love being kind. When I am kind, generosity fills my being. When I am kind, I tend to attract kindness from others. When I am kind, even when I encounter a grumpy person, I feel good because I treated them as sweetly and generously as I could. There are many things...

Embrace the Flow

Embrace the Flow

I am aware of my emotions today. What are they trying to tell me? Today I listen. If I am sad, I let myself be sad. If I am happy, I let myself be happy. There are so many emotions to feel. When I simply let them move through me, that’s what they do. Move through me....

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