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Know Who’s Available
I can ask for Spirit’s help all day. All day! When I’m stuck on a problem at work, I can ask for Spirit’s help. When I’m snagged by uncomfortable emotions, I can ask for Spirit’s help. When I feel discouraged and want to give up, I can ask for Spirit’s help. When I...
Like Squirrels?
The inside of my head can be a busy place. Squirrely little voices scamper around, vying for my attention. These voices say crazy things. Things like: You’re not good enough. There’s something wrong with you. Becoming aware of these voices is the first step. The...
So True
Nothing is stronger than Love. Nothing. When I forget this, things look scary. My world gets smaller and I stop trusting. When I remember the power of Love, everything comes together. The world looks brighter. I see possibilities in every corner. Not only that, I...
Your Unique Self
I am my own person. People may encourage me to do things. And I may try them out. But if it doesn’t fit for me, I’m not going to keep doing it. What would be the good of that? I’m here to express my unique self. Everyone is! I enjoy being an example of the power of...
Want a Gift?
I allow myself to breathe and stay present today. I am safe in the world because I take care of myself. I listen to my inner knowing and I don’t go where I am not safe. I use all my inner and outer resources to take care of me. As I do so, I know that the present...
Alive In Spirit
I think I know what I want. I think I know what’s best for me. But sometimes Spirit has gifts for me that go waaaaay beyond what I could have imagined for myself. Today I make myself available to these gifts. Today I open to Spirit’s surprises. The more I look for...
Tap Into Wonder
I may not step into a Technicolor Stream of Rainbow Goodness every time I meditate. But meditation opens me to the possibility of such experiences. It also opens me to the opportunity to see Rainbow Goodness in my life when I’m not meditating. After all, the...
Support Yourself
The more clearly I can see my good now, as if it is right here, the more powerfully I am drawing it to me. I use empowering tools to support myself in seeing this good. I allow myself to imagine I am in my greater future good right now. When I see it in front of me,...
Lighten The Load
Excuses are like bags of garbage. When you don’t dispose of them, they start to stink. Plus they’re a pain to carry around. Today, I let go of my stinking excuses. They’re heavy and I don’t need them anymore. The Divine has an incredible plan for my life. When I...
Speak Peace
As I strengthen peace inside and around me, I strengthen the energy of peace in the world. As I unite with others who are devoted to peace, our energy becomes a powerful force that heals and transforms the planet. Today I practice peace. I breathe peace. I speak...
Want A Clue
One of the smartest things I can do is acknowledge the limits of my knowing. If I think I need to know everything, I cut myself off from a vast font of wisdom. This wisdom may come in the form of a class. Or a friend’s expertise. Or the Divine nudges of Spirit...
Truth Overload
Hey you! That’s right, I’m looking at you. You are soooo much cooler than you realize. You keep going, even when you feel like giving up. You make mistakes, and you learn from them. You uplift the people around you. So remember – don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re...