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Your Ally the Force
I am made of Infinite Intelligence. What an incredible thing! The life force that made me is right here. It is closer to me than anything else because it is me. I couldn’t get any closer to the Infinite than I already am. Becoming more aware of this, however, is...

It’s Actual It’s Satisfactual
There is no one else on the earth just like me. Never has been. Never will be. This is a factual reality. I will never happen again! Given the undeniable fact of my absolute uniqueness, I may as well relax into the me that I am. Today I allow myself to follow my...

Choice Moment
When I’m in a bad (or crappy) mood, I have a choice. I can allow my mood to wreak havoc, toxifying my inner and outer environment. Or I can feel my feelings, let them run through me, and then reframe the situation – whatever it is – from something that hurts me to...

Use the Paradox
When I’m in the middle of overwhelm, it’s tempting to think I need to dig in and mow down every task in sight. But frenzied mowing doesn’t do me or anyone else any good. Though it may feel paradoxical, stepping back is the first step to peace. In my time away, I...

Cultivate Your Fun
Animals are such great teachers. They don’t stop themselves from enjoying their lives. When they want to have fun, they go for it! Animals remind me that fun is everywhere – in a piece of string, in a ball, or in simply running around. My life holds endless sources of...

Lotsa It’s Divine
Spirit is Infinite. Like, In-fin-ite. That’s a lot of a lot of a lot! When I’m experiencing not-a-lot in some area of my life, it’s a reminder for me to tap into the infinite resources of the Divine. Whether it’s money, or friends, or time, Spirit has magical ways of...

Hold to Your Vision
Visualization is one of the most incredible tools I have. I am absolutely free to visualize whatever I want. Wow! That’s an amazing thing. Today I remember this freedom. What new good do I want to welcome into my life? What does it look like? How am I feeling in the...

The Gift of Help
Spirit is always available to help me. Sometimes the best way for Spirit to help is in the form of other people. Whom can I ask for help today? What project of mine would be aided by someone else’s expertise? What questions do I have that could be answered by someone...

Begin Articulating
I know what’s best for me. Whether it’s working on a project or organizing my day, discovering my preferences for how to do things makes me much more effective. When I can articulate these preferences to others, I become even more powerful. Not only that, accepting...

I AM……
My words reveal my beliefs. My beliefs create my life. As I choose and change my words, they work through layers of consciousness down to my subconscious, where my beliefs dwell. Today, I pay attention to what I say and how I say it. I notice the story behind my...

Try Uncluttering
A clear mind allows me to see all kinds of things I might otherwise miss. When my mind is full, everything I see is from the lens of cluttered thinking. But a clear mind allows me to see. Today I cultivate a clear mind. I look at everything as if I am seeing it for...

Get Busy Seeing
When I see something clearly with my inner eye, it doesn’t matter what I see outside. My inner clarity allows me to move through external circumstances with ease and resolve. In those areas where I do not yet have inner clarity, I can strengthen it with Spirit’s help....