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Truth Overload
Hey you! That’s right, I’m looking at you. You are soooo much cooler than you realize. You keep going, even when you feel like giving up. You make mistakes, and you learn from them. You uplift the people around you. So remember – don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re...
Silence It’s Freeing
I have a wonderful mouth and mind. Together, they make a mighty combination. But sometimes the best use of my mind and mouth is to elect silence. Perhaps there is a truth that I know someone is not ready to hear. Perhaps there is an emotion – in me or someone else –...
Clean Those Mental Cobwebs
As I go through life, I am benefitted by clearing out the cobwebs from time to time. This is true in my mental as well as my physical environment. Any effort I put into such a pursuit is so worth it! I love having a clean house. It feels so peaceful and relaxing. I...
Gratitude Bucket VS Gratitude Thimble
Gratitude is like a healthy plant. It grows and grows and grows! When I find things to be grateful for, including and especially things I might otherwise overlook, my gratitude gets that much stronger. What are the things in my life I might forget to be grateful for?...
Be Full of It
Telling the truth takes guts. But I am full of guts! Today I search for any truth I may have been withholding from myself. Is there something I haven’t wanted to admit about a situation or person in my life? Is there something I haven’t wanted to admit about me? If it...
Affirm It
It’s easy to get distracted by the world around me. Especially when I’m in the process of affirming new good. Where is it? I don’t see it! I don’t believe it will ever happen! When I compare my affirmations with what I see in my present circumstances, I may get...
Use Your Deep Breath
Being mad is like being on drugs. My body feels a rush of adrenalin and my mind becomes compromised. Acting from this drugged-like state is usually not a good idea. Especially when it comes to verbal engagements. That’s where breathing comes in. Taking a deep breath,...
Amaze Yourself
The phrase even better than I can imagine is magical. By adding it to my repertoire, I am allowing Spirit to blast open any limited visions I may be carting around. Spirit’s vision for my good is always bigger than mine. When I affirm that I am opening to good that’s...
Become Fear-Less
Fear is a message from my Higher Self. When I’m afraid, I know it is one of two messages: 1) I need to change course and get out of there fast. 2) I am believing a lie. If the ego self tells me a lie but I don’t believe it, I feel nothing. But if I tell myself a lie...
Choose to Be Grateful
I am grateful. I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for the challenges that have helped me grow. I am grateful for all the help I’ve have to overcome my challenges – people, books, and Spirit. I am grateful for how far I’ve come in my lifetime. I am grateful for...
Rewrite Moment
I am the most powerful storyteller in my world. When I realize this, my power increases. Now I can choose what kind of stories I want to tell. Today I tell stories that serve my life. If I catch myself reciting old stories that make me feel bad, I stop. I close the...
Silence It’s Encouraging
When someone does or says something I don’t like, my first response may be to tell them what I think. But what if, when I find myself having an uncomfortable reaction to someone, I don’t say anything at all? Sometimes silence is the best response for everyone –...