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Try Uncluttering

Try Uncluttering

A clear mind allows me to see all kinds of things I might otherwise miss. When my mind is full, everything I see is from the lens of cluttered thinking. But a clear mind allows me to see. Today I cultivate a clear mind. I look at everything as if I am seeing it for...

Get Busy Seeing

Get Busy Seeing

When I see something clearly with my inner eye, it doesn’t matter what I see outside. My inner clarity allows me to move through external circumstances with ease and resolve. In those areas where I do not yet have inner clarity, I can strengthen it with Spirit’s help....

Step Into Superiority

Step Into Superiority

Cats are paragons of self-satisfaction. They take impeccable care of themselves. Today, I follow the feline example. I practice loving myself. I practice feeling good about who I am. I remember that I’m the best me ever. I remember that no one is better at being me...

Mighty Current of Energy

Mighty Current of Energy

The feeling of vitality in my body is a great indicator of what is life-giving to me. Today I pay attention to my energy. What lifts me up? What inspires me? What could I do for hours and hours and only feel like ten minutes have passed? Today I commit to spending...

Mystery Brings Magic

Mystery Brings Magic

Life is full of unknowns. Instead of being afraid of this, I sink into what I do know. I am made of Spirit. My entire life is made of Spirit, expressing as Spirit. Life calls me to greater and greater expressions of Spirit. In the face of today’s uncer­tainties, I...

Use the Formula

Use the Formula

When I practice seeing everyone with the eyes of love, a wellspring of love is opened up in me. The more I practice, the easier it gets. I may choose to start with those that are easy to love. Then I can move to those that are more chal­lenging. The more I work it,...

Sit in the Unknown

Sit in the Unknown

When I am in the midst of the unknown, I may cling to answers. Sitting in the big I Don’t Know can be uncom­fortable. But the way to true clarity and wisdom is to rest in the unknown. If I rush too quickly to answers, they won’t be the right ones. Instead, I wait. I...

Energy Clearing Moments

Energy Clearing Moments

When I’ve had a long, hard day, there’s nothing more reju­venating than taking a bath or shower. I can allow the stress and strain to simply pour off me with every drop. I can also take mini baths and showers during the day. When I need a little boost and clearing, I...

Know Who’s Available

Know Who’s Available

I can ask for Spirit’s help all day. All day! When I’m stuck on a problem at work, I can ask for Spirit’s help. When I’m snagged by uncomfortable emotions, I can ask for Spirit’s help. When I feel discouraged and want to give up, I can ask for Spirit’s help. When I...

Like Squirrels?

Like Squirrels?

The inside of my head can be a busy place. Squirrely little voices scamper around, vying for my attention. These voices say crazy things. Things like: You’re not good enough. There’s something wrong with you. Becoming aware of these voices is the first step. The...

So True

So True

Nothing is stronger than Love. Nothing. When I forget this, things look scary. My world gets smaller and I stop trusting. When I remember the power of Love, everything comes together. The world looks brighter. I see possibilities in every corner. Not only that, I...

Your Unique Self

Your Unique Self

I am my own person. People may encourage me to do things. And I may try them out. But if it doesn’t fit for me, I’m not going to keep doing it. What would be the good of that? I’m here to express my unique self. Everyone is! I enjoy being an example of the power of...

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