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Use Your Deep Breath
Being mad is like being on drugs. My body feels a rush of adrenalin and my mind becomes compromised. Acting from this drugged-like state is usually not a good idea. Especially when it comes to verbal engagements. That’s where breathing comes in. Taking a deep breath,...

Amaze Yourself
The phrase even better than I can imagine is magical. By adding it to my repertoire, I am allowing Spirit to blast open any limited visions I may be carting around. Spirit’s vision for my good is always bigger than mine. When I affirm that I am opening to good that’s...

Become Fear-Less
Fear is a message from my Higher Self. When I’m afraid, I know it is one of two messages: 1) I need to change course and get out of there fast. 2) I am believing a lie. If the ego self tells me a lie but I don’t believe it, I feel nothing. But if I tell myself a lie...

Choose to Be Grateful
I am grateful. I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for the challenges that have helped me grow. I am grateful for all the help I’ve have to overcome my challenges – people, books, and Spirit. I am grateful for how far I’ve come in my lifetime. I am grateful for...

Rewrite Moment
I am the most powerful storyteller in my world. When I realize this, my power increases. Now I can choose what kind of stories I want to tell. Today I tell stories that serve my life. If I catch myself reciting old stories that make me feel bad, I stop. I close the...

Silence It’s Encouraging
When someone does or says something I don’t like, my first response may be to tell them what I think. But what if, when I find myself having an uncomfortable reaction to someone, I don’t say anything at all? Sometimes silence is the best response for everyone –...

Spirit’s Vision It’s A-Ok
It’s healthy to be skeptical sometimes. After all, not everything presented to me is what it seems. But once I learn how to listen to Spirit, and once I get clear about what Spirit is saying to me, it’s a good idea to listen. I don’t have to listen, of course. And...

Kindness Try It
It’s easy to be kind to someone when I first meet them. I haven’t learned anything about them that bugs me yet! Once I really get to know someone, that’s when kindness becomes a spiritual practice. Can I be kind even when I’m tired? Can I be kind even when I’m...

Magic of “I Don’t Know”
What’s going to happen? I don’t know. Those can be scary words to utter. But they don’t have to be. Today I allow myself to uncover the mystery and magic of the unknown. What starts out scary can become expansive. What starts out disorienting can become exciting and...

Step into the Space
When I'm up against a deadline, time can feel like an enemy. It feels like it's crushing down me, restricting my ability to breathe and think clearly. That's when it's time to tap into Spirit. In Spirit, there is an endless amount of time. In Spirit, there is an...

Nurture With Nature
There is nothing like getting outside and breathing fresh air for restoring mental clarity. Time in nature also supports memory, combats mental fatigue, and lowers my stress hormones. The physical and mental benefits of the great outdoors can even do their thing when...

Step A Self Care
Sometimes I feel like kicking some major butt! Other times, what I really need is chillin’. Resting is an accomplishment. When I allow myself the rest I need, I am achieving the goal of living a balanced life. With this in mind, I let myself rest deeply,...