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Ready Set Go
When I step away from the screens in my life, I am stepping away from other people’s views of reality and anchoring myself more fully in mine. The things I can discover here are endless! It’s like my life suddenly expands, and I can see all sorts of things that may...
Hugs Healing Power
There is a saying: What you want to get is what you most need to give. When it comes to hugs and love, the perfection is multi-layered. As I give the hugs I long for, I get them back immediately! This is just like everything in life. There is a law of circulation....
Join the Peace Revolution
How I do something is even more important than what I do. If I say something nice, but I do so in a rushed manner, the impact of my kindness is lessened. If I fight for peace, but I do so in a way that is full of strife, my fighting creates more strife and less peace....
Help It’s Groovy
It’s easy to think of meditation as a solo pursuit. After all, even if I’m surrounded by other meditators, I’m still the one meditating. What’s also true is that I am created and sustained by Divine Power, and meditation is a process of connecting with this Power. So...
May It Be Fluxy
Wanting everything to stay the same is a setup for misery. That’s not how things work on this wild and wacky material plane. Everything is always in flux. This includes me! Today I take advantage of how fluxy I am. What aspects of myself do I want to strengthen? What...
Today Bring It
I am made in the image and likeness of the Divine. Confident in this, I let myself shine today! I don’t apologize for being me. I don’t hold back. Holding back on my self-expression is holding back on Spirit. And that’s just wrong! I live out loud, being my full-on...
Love It’s FREE
There is nothing in my life that won’t be better off if I send it a blast of love. This includes those things I think of as inanimate objects. Computers, cars, appliances. All of these are made of Divine Substance. As such, they respond well to love from another...
Use Your Ally
Love is my ally. There is no better force to align with than Love. As I align with Love, everything in my life is lifted up. New ideas come to me. Relationships are strengthened. I let go of old habits and replace them with better ones. And then there are the...
Infect Others with Peace
When I’m around someone who’s in a dark and sad place, I can leave feeling less vibrant and happy. But when I’m around someone who’s joyful, I notice that I leave feeling uplifted. Our emotions are contagious. Today I practice the Presence and sink deeply into the...
Superficial Is Beneficial
There are many ways to honor Spirit. Some of them are obvious: meditation, prayer, community worship. Some are less obvious: like my choice of clothing. Indeed, caring about how I look is often seen as superficial, valuing the material over the spiritual. But...
Spring into Crazy
When a crazy idea passes through my mind, there’s a tendency to dismiss it. Nooooo. That’s craaazy! But, hold on. Why am I saying it’s crazy? Because it might sound crazy to others? Because I don’t want to take a chance? Today I make space for crazy. I let all my...
Blisscious It’s Delicious
As I learn to shift the vicious cycles in my head, a new pattern emerges. The shift away from vicious allows room for bliss. As the bliss gets rolling, and a new cycle is established, the momentum turns into something amazing: A Blisscious Cycle of Never-Ending Good....