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Release – It’s Free-ing

Release – It’s Free-ing

Today I take inventory of my assumptions. As I turn my attention toward someone or something, I notice the stories I’m telling. Are they true? Are they really true? I remember to include myself in the assumption hunt. This is especially helpful with my assumed flaws...

Faith Is Guiding Light

Faith Is Guiding Light

When I’m entering a new situation, it can be scary. What’s going to happen? Am I going to be okay? Am I going to have to do new things, things I don’t like? When I walk by faith, not by sight, I remember the answers to these ques­tions. No, I don’t know what’s going...

Break Away From Busyness

Break Away From Busyness

Taking a “break” is really not a break at all. When I allow myself time to do something I enjoy, all kinds of things are going on! My body relaxes. Perspective is gained. New ideas are nurtured. Indeed, my productivity actually increases when I give myself time and...

Activation Process

Activation Process

Getting specific about what I want works well sometimes. Other times, my specificity gets me stuck in a hole of frustration. When that happens, I remember to take a step back. How do I want to feel when I have what I desire? Activating the feeling allows Spirit to get...

Open at the Top

Open at the Top

When I close my mind, everything gets really stuffy. I turn further and further inside myself, where the fresh air of new ideas and inspirations can’t find me. Today I remember to keep the door open! I allow the gentle breeze of Spirit’s love and illumination to fill...

Meditation – It’s Golden

Meditation – It’s Golden

I’m the only one who can be inside my mind. If I could hire someone else to meditate for me, I would miss a golden oppor­tunity. Gaining greater awareness of my thoughts, and the emotions they spark, is a life-changing process. The more awareness I gain, the more...

Crappy vs. Happy

Crappy vs. Happy

The power of my perspective is potent. Today I take advantage of this. First, I look around for things that are pleasing to me. As I do so, I bask in appreciation for these things. Then I move to things that aren’t pleasing and actively look for positive things about...

Ready Set Go

Ready Set Go

When I step away from the screens in my life, I am stepping away from other people’s views of reality and anchoring myself more fully in mine. The things I can discover here are endless! It’s like my life suddenly expands, and I can see all sorts of things that may...

Hugs Healing Power

Hugs Healing Power

There is a saying: What you want to get is what you most need to give. When it comes to hugs and love, the perfection is multi-layered. As I give the hugs I long for, I get them back immediately! This is just like everything in life. There is a law of circulation....

Join the Peace Revolution

Join the Peace Revolution

How I do something is even more important than what I do. If I say something nice, but I do so in a rushed manner, the impact of my kindness is lessened. If I fight for peace, but I do so in a way that is full of strife, my fighting creates more strife and less peace....

Help It’s Groovy

Help It’s Groovy

It’s easy to think of meditation as a solo pursuit. After all, even if I’m surrounded by other meditators, I’m still the one meditating. What’s also true is that I am created and sus­tained by Divine Power, and meditation is a process of connecting with this Power. So...

May It Be Fluxy

May It Be Fluxy

Wanting everything to stay the same is a setup for misery. That’s not how things work on this wild and wacky material plane. Everything is always in flux. This includes me! Today I take advantage of how fluxy I am. What aspects of myself do I want to strengthen? What...

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