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Steam That Stress Away

Steam That Stress Away

Sometimes the stresses of life build up inside me. That’s when I know it’s time to release a little steam. Finding ways to release my pent-up energy means that I don’t have to take out my stress on others. After all, that would only lead to more stress! Instead, I...

Embrace Maybe

Embrace Maybe

Sometimes I have a strong sense that something isn't for me. It's a Hell No. Other times, it's the opposite: Something is def­initely for me. Hell Yes. But what about when it's neither? Today I embrace the Hell Maybes. Not everything is clearly one or the other. As I...

Declare I Am Supported

Declare I Am Supported

My experience is made up of my beliefs. Beliefs are the filter through which I see my world. Today, I tell myself that I am lucky. Indeed, I am downright blessed by angels. Why? Because the Universe adores me. So much so, I am sup­ported with magical fabulousness in...

Free Will Is FREE

Free Will Is FREE

Free will is an amazing and glorious element of my existence. Today I remember to use it! If I notice I’m focusing on what’s dark and dreary, I switch it up. What are the positive aspects of the seemingly dark and supposedly dreary? The positive is always there, but I...



If I am feeling bad, I am believing a lie. This is true whether I am feeling bad about myself or someone else. When I’m feeling bad, not only are my inner squirrels chattering away, but I am listening and agreeing with them. Today I choose to be awake and aware of...

Source It

Source It

I am my own best source of advice. Especially when I’m connected to the Source. As I tap into Infinite Wisdom within me, I am able to find information that is tailored just for me. Imagine that! This is not to say I can’t get great ideas from others. Sometimes the...

Your Shiny Golden Soul

Your Shiny Golden Soul

I am a goldmine! My mind is full of infinite ideas and inspi­rations. My heart is full of love. There are so many lives for me to change for the better, including my own. When I know how powerful I am, I become that much more effec­tive in the world. Today I know my...

GPS With Spirit

GPS With Spirit

I’m a great driver. But I don’t always know the best direction to go. When that happens, there’s really only one thing to do: Let Spirit drive. Spirit always knows the best direction. Indeed, the more I’m willing to turn over the wheel to Spirit, the more I realize...

Vegan Approved

Vegan Approved

Today I focus on my inner ham. My ham may be readily available to me. Or it may be withering away in a deep, dark corner. No matter how cozy I am with my ham, I can amplify its presence in my life. Spending time with children is a great way to draw out the ham. Pets...

Set Yourself Free

Set Yourself Free

My old ideas got me where I am today. Today’s reality is made of yesterday’s stories, beliefs, and thoughts. Today I create a new reality. I keep what I love and cherish, and I release the rest. I bless my tomorrow by remaining conscious and aware of what I am...

Hey Baby

Hey Baby

It’s pretty hard to hate a baby. They’re so cute and sweet and innocent. They haven’t done anything wrong yet, or hurt anyone’s feelings. The Grumpy McGrumpertons in my life were babies once. When I remember this, and send love to that innocent part of them, I...

Divine Dancing With Spirit

Divine Dancing With Spirit

I love letting Spirit lead. Except when I start to doubt. That’s when I come up with my own plans, going against Spirit’s vision. I’m human, so it’s only natural that I go out on my own from time to time. My little excursions are great teaching tools. I get to see...

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