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Today Bring It

Today Bring It

I am made in the image and likeness of the Divine. Confi­dent in this, I let myself shine today! I don’t apologize for being me. I don’t hold back. Holding back on my self-expression is holding back on Spirit. And that’s just wrong! I live out loud, being my full-on...

Love It’s FREE

Love It’s FREE

There is nothing in my life that won’t be better off if I send it a blast of love. This includes those things I think of as inan­imate objects. Computers, cars, appliances. All of these are made of Divine Substance. As such, they respond well to love from another...

Use Your Ally

Use Your Ally

Love is my ally. There is no better force to align with than Love. As I align with Love, everything in my life is lifted up. New ideas come to me. Relationships are strengthened. I let go of old habits and replace them with better ones. And then there are the...

Infect Others with Peace

Infect Others with Peace

When I’m around someone who’s in a dark and sad place, I can leave feeling less vibrant and happy. But when I’m around someone who’s joyful, I notice that I leave feeling uplifted. Our emotions are contagious. Today I practice the Presence and sink deeply into the...

Superficial Is Beneficial

Superficial Is Beneficial

There are many ways to honor Spirit. Some of them are obvious: meditation, prayer, community worship. Some are less obvious: like my choice of clothing. Indeed, caring about how I look is often seen as superficial, valuing the material over the spiritual. But...

Spring into Crazy

Spring into Crazy

When a crazy idea passes through my mind, there’s a ten­dency to dismiss it. Nooooo. That’s craaazy! But, hold on. Why am I saying it’s crazy? Because it might sound crazy to others? Because I don’t want to take a chance? Today I make space for crazy. I let all my...

Blisscious It’s Delicious

Blisscious It’s Delicious

As I learn to shift the vicious cycles in my head, a new pat­tern emerges. The shift away from vicious allows room for bliss. As the bliss gets rolling, and a new cycle is established, the momentum turns into something amazing: A Blisscious Cycle of Never-Ending Good....

Awesome Condition!

Awesome Condition!

On this day, on this glorious Planet Earth, I do hereby accept my Advanced Degree in Awesome. I earned it! Yes, there were days when I didn’t yet know the high degree of Awe­some that I am. I was deluded into thinking that I wasn’t enough. But those days are over. Now...

Fix It With Love

Fix It With Love

When hate is in my face, it can appear to be a mighty force. But it’s not. Hate is nowhere near as strong as Love. The momentum of hate always destroys itself. Love, on the other hand, builds and builds. It can’t be stopped. There is nothing Love can’t fix and no...

Thanks but No Thanks

Thanks but No Thanks

Learning to listen to the thoughts that chatter away inside my mind can be liberating. Though it doesn’t always feel like it at first. There’s sooooooo much going on in there! But as I become more discerning about which thoughts to believe, the liberation kicks in....

Kindness Superpower Is Within

Kindness Superpower Is Within

Every moment is a new opportunity for kindness. I can be gentle with someone who is going through a hard time. I can be gentle with myself when I need it. I can give an anon­ymous gift. I can pick up a piece of stray trash. My kindness superpowers are mighty! As I...

Blessed by Posse Love

Blessed by Posse Love

My friends remind me that I am loved and that I belong. And I remind them of their belonging. Having friends is also a healing and powerful support for my dreams. Knowing I’ve got support behind me, I can go out in the world and take on scary new things, things that...

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