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Asking Prevents Freaking

Asking Prevents Freaking

I always have the choice to freak out. But once I realize that it’s a choice, and I can choose something else, it’s time to switch it up! When I find myself bunching my knickers into a twist, I can take a moment. I can ask for Help. And then I can know that Help is on...

Peace: Breathe It

Peace: Breathe It

Peace isn’t something I need to earn. I don’t need to go to school to get it. I don’t need to convince anyone else to give it to me. I don’t even need to convince myself to give it to me. Peace is already here, inside me. A great way to remember this is by noticing my...

Ninja Spirit You

Ninja Spirit You

I have resources inside me that I don’t know about. Not until I am faced with a situation where I get to use them. Maybe it’s a new job. Maybe it’s meeting someone new. Maybe it’s changing a behavior or setting a boundary. Whatever it is, I know I can handle it. I...

The Now Present

The Now Present

It’s one thing to feel the calling of my next greater good. This is healthy contrast, pulling me forward into the next expression of my life. However, when I have what I want, and I still feel a longing? I check my thinking. Am I just telling myself an old story? I...

Get Saved

Get Saved

Sometimes I lose perspective. I get so caught up inside myself and my problems, I can’t see a way out. That’s when other people come in really handy! When I talk to someone else, whether it’s a friend, mentor, or counselor, they can see things I can’t. Their...

Choose Prayer

Choose Prayer

Whenever I’m in a situation I don’t like, I have choices. I can grumble and complain. I can crumble into depression and apathy. Or I can pray! Prayer opens up infinite possibilities in a seemingly intractable situation. I may be guided with new insights and...



The best gift I could ever get is here with me every day – my life! What a beautiful thing! My life is mine to do with what­ever I want. Today I remember that freedom. Are there changes I want to make? Are there things I want to do that I’ve been putting off? I’m in...

Wanna Feel Fantastic

Wanna Feel Fantastic

  I have come through many things in my life. When I look at how far I’ve come, I feel fantastic. When I look at someone else, superimpose their life onto mine, and compare what appears to be the vastly superior outcome of their life, I feel like crap. No wonder! I’ve...

See the Awesomeness

See the Awesomeness

There are so many amazing things in this world. All I have to do is look at the vast open beauty of the sky, or the joy of children playing, or the quiet peace of a forest. There are so many reminders of Spirit’s presence in the world. When I get caught up in my own...

Belly Breathing

Belly Breathing

When I’m feeling disconnected from Life, there’s a great way to connect again. The best part is that it’s something I do all the time – breathing! When I become conscious of my breath – in and out, in and out – I become more aware of the Life Force that sustains me. I...

Keep On Keeping On

Keep On Keeping On

Never giving up means that I keep going even when I stumble. I can set my intention to do my spiritual practice on a daily basis. And perhaps I fulfill my intention. But if I miss a day – or days – I don’t give up. I keep going. I get back on the spiritual train and I...

Wanderless Is Wanderful

Wanderless Is Wanderful

Having a destination is wonderful. I know right where I am going and I feel satisfied when I get there. But having no destination at all is wonderful too. When I let myself wan­der, I discover new things – both in the world and about myself. When I wander aimlessly,...

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