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Stay Curious
My mind likes to come up with explanations. There are so many different explanations to come up with! And yet my mind is usually miles away from the truth. The best way to cozy up to the truth is to bask in the unknown. It can be uncomfortable at first, but the longer...

Who Is Listening
When someone speaks with complete and utter authority, it can be tempting to assume they’re right. But I don’t have to take any person’s proclamations as truth unless what they say resonates as truth to me. That’s the beauty of being a spiritual essence in a human...

Set Your Time Limit
When my mind, body, or emotions get out of whack, I know it’s time to take a break. When there are certain people who tend to tip me out of whack, I know it’s okay to distance myself from them. My vibration – my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state – is a...

Want a Winning Investment?
Building my boundary muscles takes time. But it’s time well spent! It’s rewarding to see myself getting better at honoring my needs, my heart, and my energy. As I do so, I notice that everything in my life improves. My spiritual practice deepens. My health flourishes....

Embrace I Don’t Know
In childhood, most of us start to think we look silly if we don’t know something. But there is way more to this Universe than I can ever know. Heck, there is way more to me than I can ever know! This is not a bad thing. When I become comfortable with my lack of...

News: You’re Number One
When my day gets going, it can be hard to find myself in the middle of all the Things To Do. Today I put myself on that list! What small thing can I do to take care of myself? Or maybe it’s a big thing. As long as it’s a thing! Putting self-care on my To Do list makes...

It’s Heavenly
Confusion is confusing! Multiple possibilities cram my awareness, and I have no idea what to do, or not do. When I’m confused, I may feel pressure to act. But there’s really only one thing I need to do: Get centered and check in with Source. My confusion is a sign...

Guilt is a signal that I did something that goes against my internal standards. Guilt calls for self-examination. Is my guilt warranted? Do I need to make an amends? Or does my guilt stem from unrealistic standards of perfectionism or codependency? There is much to be...

The Funky Phantom
Every day, I receive messages from the outside world. Some messages come to me without my conscious choice. Others I get to choose. When I decide to watch a film, television show, or video online, I’m the boss of what I watch! I pick things that enlighten me. I pick...

Non-Compete Zone
Being competitive is a natural human tendency. So the fact that it shows up everywhere, even in spiritual settings, is not surprising. When someone tries to engage me in the Spiritual Olympics, I don’t have to participate. I don’t want that medal! And if I’m feeling...

Self-Care Power
When my day gets going, it can be hard to find myself in the middle of all the Things To Do. Today I put myself on that list! What small thing can I do to take care of myself? Or maybe it’s a big thing. As long as it’s a thing! Putting self-care on my To Do list makes...

Release the Yuck
I allow my creativity to flow today. I create new stories about myself and my life. I consciously choose what stories to tell. I choose stories that bring me joy, that leave me feeling better by the telling. As I stop telling yucky old stories, I create a new and...