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Want Good Power?
Technology can be my friend or foe. Today I focus on the friend! I notice all the ways technology serves my life. From the micro to the macro, technological advances can enhance and strengthen my connection with myself and others. What positive, life-affirming...
Allow Gratitude
Trying to avoid grieving is like trying to avoid breathing. It’s a natural part of life on earth, and I block its flow at my own peril. Today I allow myself to feel all the feelings about anything I may be grieving. I make room for sadness. I make room for anger. And...
GPS Love
Over the course of my life, I’ve had many different paths and destinations. But I’m always headed in the same direction: Love. Love lights my way to Love. Love leads me to a greater and greater expression of Love. And if I lose my way, Love reminds me that I am never...
Love Is All There Is
I love love. I love people, places, and things that fill me with love. I am expanded and blessed in their presence. Today I focus on love. I seek people, places, and things that remind me of the love that I am. I share my love with those people, places, and things. As...
Sharing Is Caring
I have something to say. I have something to share. When I worry that people might judge me or make fun of me for what I have to say and share, I close my mouth. I silence my song. In my silence, I forget that others will benefit from what I have to say. Indeed, it...
Help It’s Free
I am always surrounded by helpers, whether I acknowledge it or not. Some of them I can see, and some I cannot. Today I remember to ask for help. I am never going it alone, and when I acknowledge this, I become that much more powerful. Plus, my helpers love to help me!...
True That
A great way to incorporate affirmations in my daily life is to pair them with something I do every day. Typing in my computer password. Doing the dishes. Brushing my teeth. Affirmations thrive on repetition, and there’s nothing more repetitive than every day! A daily...
Calorie Free
What am I ingesting today? Am I letting old fears and grievances fill me up? If so, am I willing to be filled with something else instead? Something like faith, love, or freedom? Today I notice what I consume. If something I am ingesting, whether food or an idea, is...
Time to Release
There are many voices in my head. Just because the Grumpy McGrumpertons are part of the chorus doesn’t mean I need to give them my attention. Instead, I tune into my Pollyanna Perkiness! This part of me knows I can get back up after any fall. It knows that all is...
Cultivate PPB
Positive beliefs take time. But I’ve got time! I can start by noticing my cranky thoughts. I can work on reframing them and finding the good in all things. As I build my Find-The-Good muscles, I start to notice that Good is everywhere. I start to see, really see, that...
24/7 Hotline
It’s never too late. My mind might tell me it is. Other people might tell me it is. But they’re wrong. It’s never too late! For one thing, Spirit is always here, animating my mind and my affairs. For another thing, I can make myself available to Spirit’s 24/7...
What genre of book have I been writing with my life? A hard luck story of doom and disappointment? A fast-paced thriller with an evil adversary? A tortured love story replete with treachery and betrayal? The groovy news is that my story can change. Today. I can shift...