Dear Meli, This is a little embarrassing. I know I’m too old be be saying this, but… My parents like my sister better and it hurts my feelings. And that’s the problem! I don’t want to be feeling this way. I want to be the bigger person and just...
Dear Meli, I am an active member of a spiritual community. I have been in this community for a long time, and have always considered myself a valuable member. Others in the community treat me with respect and kindness. Lately, however, there has been a change. A new...
Dear Meli, I know that you live in Sonoma County, so I’m curious to hear your take on this. I was evacuated from my home during the wildfires in Santa Rosa. I was out of my house for about a week, but after that I was able to return home. Not everyone was so...
Dear Meli, It seems like people who are into consciousness sometimes make getting sick a failure. What’s your take on this? I have an illness that I have been living with for years now. Even though I still wish I didn’t have it, I have learned to adapt...
Dear Meli, Why do siblings who grew up in the same family have such different memories of their childhood? This might not sound like a spiritual question, but my sister and I, who are very close in age, have very different memories of our childhood, and this has...
Dear Meli, This may be a weird question, but aren’t spiritual seekers supposed to like themselves? I’ve been involved in a spiritual practice for a long time, and it has definitely improved my life. But sometimes it feels like my self-esteem has...