Are you a good meditator? Or a bad meditator? That was a trick question! There’s no such thing as a bad meditator. Everybody thinks. A lot. And meditation is the process of watching our thoughts. So meditation, by definition, tends to involve lots of thinking....
I admit it. I care what other people think of me. Though not nearly as much as I used to. But even much-less-than-I-used-to is still too much for me. So lately, I’ve been working on letting go of other people’s opinions even more. Or should I say, what I...
Actually, the title of this post should be: What Do You Do When One Door Slams in Your Face and Knocks You on the Ground and Your Head Is Spinning and Then You Get Up and Try to Find Another Door But There Aren’t Any and You’re Totally Freaking Out...
Affirmations are awesome! Affirmations – positive statements formed in the present tense – are a great way to change habitual thinking. Especially if they’re used passionately and consistently. But – yes, there is a but – they have one drawback. This drawback...
Yes, I know it’s a bold claim. And I know I’m an American, and Americans are known for wanting things done quickly and easily, even if it’s at the expense of the environment and the rest of humanity. But hear me out! This won’t hurt the planet...
Despite what you may think, the Fat Ankle Syndrome is not a result of sitting in front of the television for hours on end, eating donuts. It’s much, much worse. The Fat Ankle Syndrome is a disease that can make you incapable of having a happy, healthy...