­­­Healing the Impossible: A Case Study

­­­Healing the Impossible: A Case Study

Every day, we hear stories of people who heal impossible things. How does it happen? What are the ingredients that allow miracles to occur? I was prompted to write this post while pondering my own healing of an eating disorder. I began my journey with food addiction...
Here’s Something to Try the Next Time You Need a Pick-Me-Up

Here’s Something to Try the Next Time You Need a Pick-Me-Up

If you’re feeling down and need a pick-me-up, there are all kinds of things you can do. You can meditate. You can go for a walk. You can pray. All those things are great, don’t get me wrong. But today I want to introduce you to something you’ve...
Here’s a Fun Thing to Do with Random Strangers

Here’s a Fun Thing to Do with Random Strangers

Is there anything more fun than interacting with random strangers? Let me rephrase that. Is there anything more awkward/uncomfortable/terrifying than interacting with random strangers? Maybe you’re one of those extroverts who is shaking your head right now. I...
My Guru Has a Tail, Part 10: The Legacy

My Guru Has a Tail, Part 10: The Legacy

Any Guru who’s worthy of their exalted title leaves a legacy of wisdom behind when they pass over to the non-physical realm. My Guru, our cat Lucy, was no exception to this rule. As many of you know, the Guru passed into the non-physical realm several years ago....

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