How often do you complain? Once an hour? Once a day? Once a year? If you’d asked me that question six months ago, I would have put myself in the once-a-day category. I rarely complain! After all, I’m a serious spiritual goofball. I see the good in...
What’s your favorite old saying? A penny saved is a penny earned? Haste makes waste? Or how about this one: It’s better to have bowlegs than no legs at all. (I did not make that up. I swear!) Recently, Melissa and I dusted off an old saying that is proving...
There are lots of people who’ll tell you they have the secret to success. They promise you that if you follow their way – if you do everything exactly like they say – you’ll be a big success in no time. I am no different! That’s right, my fellow...
Has anyone ever told you that you couldn’t have something? Or that you couldn’t do something you wanted to do? How did you respond? Did you believe them? Did you immediately incorporate their teeny-weeny, limiting beliefs as your own? Or did you dismiss...
Back when my Guru Lucy was still in my life, she called me over for a little chat one day. She said that while she appreciated my attempt at a Goofball Holiday message the previous year, the message was in need of some serious improvement. For those of you who...
Where do you fall on the Mother Teresa fan-spectrum? Love her? Indifferent to her? Admire her work but have a problem with the institution with which she was aligned? From my quick scan of Wikipedia extensive research on the topic of Mother Teresa’s life, I am...